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Soloemilia t1_j2cc2g5 wrote

I’m almost done watching Till. Taking a short mental health break because this is tough. RIP Barbara Walters who was 12 years older than Emmett Till and the same age as Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr. Only one of them got to live a long life…..


Soloemilia t1_j2cc58s wrote

Sorry to drop some dark serious shit. Feel free to chat about your dinner and drinks!!!!

Cheers 🥂


moneytalka OP t1_j2ccgxd wrote

Barbara Walters was amazing. She really should be an icon for every woman because she did break that glass ceiling long ago. I know she was a hero to me


KiloLee t1_j2e7f9n wrote

None of my heroes ever got mad for somebody trying to expose all the pedophiles in Hollywood. Odd choice.


everybodyhateskhris t1_j2edyr8 wrote

I think about Emmitt Till various times throughout the year. Angers and saddened me every time. I haven't watched Till yet but hearing about the movie a few years ago made me realize how little I knew about Mamie Till-Mobley at the time. From the open casket to becoming an activist after having her child stolen from her.

I'll have to watch the movie sometime even though it will likely piss me off.


OddWelcome2502 t1_j2dlacs wrote

Whoa. That’s some perspective right there. Thanks for providing me “the most interesting thing I learned today”.


urineabox t1_j2eext6 wrote

it blew my mind when i saw that fact when betty white died, i couldn’t wrap my head around it! still makes it fun to wonder what if they lived longer….