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coconut_sorbet t1_j28wd9h wrote

Reply to comment by ManBMitt in New Year's Eve Eve Daily by Herculicia

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ManBMitt t1_j28x89c wrote

Hope you like it! I’ve become obsessed with trees since moving to RVA a couple years ago, and listening to the podcast has been super fun.

Word of warning though: the hosts are located in Portland, OR, and therefore have a bit of a west coast bias. For example, they admit that they generally like conifers more than hardwood trees - which is pretty clearly a wrong opinion if you ask me. They also get some facts wrong every once in a while when it comes to some of our local trees. But they’re generally very interesting and entertaining!


Grizlatron t1_j28yzwy wrote

I too have strong opinions about slightly irrational things and I respect your bias towards hardwoods.


coconut_sorbet t1_j294e5l wrote

> I’ve become obsessed with trees since moving to RVA a couple years ago

Wait, are you me? I stumbled across a chestnut tree soon after moving here and it absolutely lit up something in my brain!


ManBMitt t1_j2a34dx wrote

Do yourself a favor and purchase a copy of the Sibley Guide to Trees.