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dr_nerdface t1_j1hqq5w wrote

DPU bill this cycle is gonna be wild, but not losing power has been clutch. really have to budget for new windows this year.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j1hrv0g wrote

I have new windows. I dont think they make a huge difference lol. It's likely the 1890 house built directly on the ground with no insulation.....


dr_nerdface t1_j1hs84r wrote

yeah, our house is only 20yo but these windows are leaky af. even with plastic on them.


piersode t1_j1hulcv wrote

1920s house with new windows checking in, you're correct that they don't seem to make a lick of difference


Danger-Moose t1_j1hzbnv wrote

1940s checking in. Mine made some difference, but the largest impact was insulation in the attic. Any insulation in the walls would probably help more.


sloppyharp t1_j1i6dd9 wrote

100yr old house checking in, with poor insulation, so curtains and blinds closed, blankets and towels at windowsills and door jams. 2 burner camping stove on standby. All spigots are dripping, I’m sporting longjohns and will venture outside to feed birds and tree rats, and attempt covering the drafty ac window unit, but Irish coffee first.


fusion260 t1_j1i7s1e wrote

1951 house here. We had all of our original single-pane windows replaced by Window World last fall and they made a huge difference.

Before, I could stand next to windows and immediately feel hot or cold depending on the season. Now, I can put your hand right up to them and barely feel a difference in full sunlight during the summer or this morning when it was 10º.

11 windows replaced plus a brand new front door for $6,500. Took them about 3 hours from start to finish. Oh, and a lifetime warranty (as long as Window World is in business, of course). Def recommend.

The best bonus is that we can not only open the windows with one finger (when unlocked, of course) instead of wrestling with them each time and we can wash both sides from inside the house because they slide around and rotate in!

Other than that, our walls are cold at the moment, but slightly less than it was last year because we recently had Window World replace our aluminum siding with vinyl siding that includes 1" of styrofoam insulation.


onewaybackpacking t1_j1io73o wrote

I’m terrified to start getting quotes for the remaining original 1960s windows in this house - gotta say that number sounds far cheaper than I was expecting. How have they held up so far?


fusion260 t1_j1iowwu wrote

They’re all doing great. Was worried that the house settling would cause the windows to tighten up after a season of expanding and contracting but they still feel brand new after 14 months so far.

The price would be cheaper if we didn’t get a new front door. That alone was about $1600, I think (including the door itself).


onewaybackpacking t1_j1ipiby wrote

There are some tax credits (or rebates?) starting in 2023 on windows among other things to make a house more power efficient so fully understanding the tax offset and getting some prices is on the to do list. (I think it’s only $500 annually but there’s a few other programs as well…)


thuglass88 t1_j1idk5e wrote

This is the most insane response I've ever heard. You're a treasure.


Mmeeggggss t1_j1hz444 wrote

Just wanted to say hey and I feel this. Me too with the drafty, old, uninsulated, (but charming) 1890’s home ownership.


upearlyRVA t1_j1hw6j9 wrote

Definitely do new windows if possible. We got them a little over a year ago and can tell a big difference in drafts, etc.


GrayRVA t1_j1hvrxi wrote

My new (installed in August) heat pump isn’t working. I am keeping warm with Jesus Christ’s love and my unrestrained wrath.


balance07 t1_j1hzh4z wrote

Yeah heat pump heating capacity is a function of outside air temp. They just can't extract much heat from air this cold. Does your air handler have electric backup heat? Depending on your thermostat, you can lock out the heat pump when it gets below a certain outside temp.


GrayRVA t1_j1i2z1c wrote

You speak with much wisdom. I don’t think it has electric backup, but I have 3 space heaters. I’m assuming a visit from the company that installed it is in order. It’s 53 downstairs.

Edit: Called heat pump “company” expecting to leave a VM about coming by next week. The recording said “My truck is broken. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. Byeeeee!”


McFlare92 t1_j1i5zup wrote

Are you doing OK? We'll be out and about for a bit and could drop off extra blankets or something if you are in need! I might even have a heated blanket


GrayRVA t1_j1klw3k wrote

Oh my gosh! I wasn’t expecting everyone to be so thoughtful and kind! Humanity WTF. I was absolutely fine because I have an upstairs and downstairs heat pump. Only one shit the bed.


balance07 t1_j1ib935 wrote

I would definitely expect a heat pump system installed in our area to have electric backup heat. If that's not coming on, then you may have a thermostat/control problem. Def get someone to check it out, but good luck doing that during this cold snap :(


gamerthrowaway_ t1_j1itj01 wrote

"A hEaT pUmP iS bEtTeR tHaN rAdIaToRs..."

As he looks at his 73° house with radiant heat... I'm sorry for your situation, I'll txt you some condolences.


ImpishLittlePixy t1_j1hudrd wrote

Hot Water Baseboard Heat for the win! No one builds houses anymore with it because people think it’s an eye sore, but it’s best heating source! Mom’s visiting today, we’re making Swedish Cardamom Buns, Cinnamon rolls, a browned butter and chocolate Smith Island Cake for tomorrow, and some cookies for Santa.


donteatmydog t1_j1iozuk wrote

Currently in an apartment with forced air and we were freeeeezing last night.

Our new house has the kind of heating you have and I'm sooo excited for it. Just have to suffer until February.


ohsweetpeaches t1_j1j6ovg wrote

Same! Super glad to have our oil baseboard heating right about now. We are all nice and toasty!


80_PROOF t1_j1hwnf3 wrote

3 year seasoned red oak in the fireplace is making everyone get buck neked up in cheer. I knew my manic wood splitting would pay off one day. And the dog sleeps almost directly under the inferno


bored0327 t1_j1hmq9f wrote

Cold but yes. Emergency heat on but at least we still have power. Have a few things to do and top of the list is breakfast and adult time. At least that's my plan not sure what she gotta do but hopefully its 1 or both of those. Merry Christmas Eve and stay warm.


The_UnknownTA t1_j1hn9kr wrote

Attempting to make ponche de creme with apple pie moonshine substitute. I should use rum, buuuuut I'm sure as long as it's spiked it'll be fine.


Hitcher06 t1_j1igilr wrote

I made some yesterday but with rum. Good luck!


hikinganew t1_j1hs6vt wrote

Shoutout to everyone driving an older car today (mines 20!) and is not loving the cold. My poor baby sounds rough. To make matters worse, I have to sit in the car because if I go back in to wait for it to warm up the kittens will think I’m back for playtime.

Watch out for ice yall!


Mmeeggggss t1_j1hz865 wrote

Mine wouldn’t let me open the door. I took it as a sign and am staying home alllll day.


sloppyharp t1_j1i4mnq wrote

Since 1974, Santa keeps promising my garage.


resident16 t1_j1igh02 wrote

Scary couple of days in our household. What we thought was food poisoning ended up being an early case of appendicitis for my wife. She had surgery yesterday and this morning had a hard time breathing. Thankfully she’s better now and the CVS on Iron Bridge being 24hr pharmacy helped a ton with getting her medication early this AM. We’ve had a very eventful year between a house purchase falling through at the very end, then a successful house purchase, and our wedding last month. Hopefully no more big events and we can end the year on a relaxing note!


disputing_stomach t1_j1houdq wrote

Today's plans include finishing wrapping gifts, getting fancy dinner ready for tonight, making cinnamon rolls for tomorrow morning, eating said fancy dinner along with good wine and a fantastic dessert, hanging out with family, and generally relaxing.

I'd really like to take the dogs for a walk, but I don't want to go outside.


TGIIR t1_j1iv1eq wrote

I was out with my dog about an hour ago. Only 18 degrees but sun out and no wind here. Wasn’t bad at all. Have a great time with family!


breakup_letter t1_j1jizd5 wrote

You’re going to have a very happy family with all of the Christmas prep you’re doing. Professional Santa status!


Rs90 t1_j1hprt4 wrote

Just hangin and playin some games, family stuff tomorrow. Get to see my best bud so that's wonderful.

Also fuck the restaurants/cafes open today. It's Christmas Eve on a Saturday. Let your people enjoy it. Coffee places doin half days. Shit sucks. F for those who had to crawl to work this frigid morning.


tranion10 t1_j1i9qbt wrote

It is a bummer to be forced to work on Christmas, but not everyone celebrates Christmas and it's nice for them to still have places to go.


Rs90 t1_j1iw5pv wrote

Nah man. Sucks to have to wake up and drag yourself into work. It's cold as shit and Christmas Eve on a Saturday. Not everyone celebrates but many do and workin on Christmas is like cartoonishly shitty. I'm sure people can find somethin to do for a day who don't celebrate.

I've worked the Christmas Eve shift at cafes that are open til noon on holidays and it's shitty. Everyone is with family or friends or just hangin out while you're workin you're ass off so people can have coffee or a bagel.


tranion10 t1_j1kijvl wrote

I worked at Peter Changs for 4 years and worked a 12 hour double shift every Christmas. You don't need to lecture me. If you have loved ones to celebrate with, it sucks to be forced or pressured to work on Christmas.

In my case, I had no one to in Richmond to celebrate with and I really didn't to drive hundreds of miles to have an awkward Christmas with my very emotionally distant family. The work was exhausting but by the end of the day we were punch-drunk, drunk-drunk, and had earned a week's pay in a single day.

Also it's depressing to have no one to celebrate with and nowhere to go on Christmas. I'm glad there are some places people can go and be around others instead of having no choice but sitting alone in an empty home.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j1hry9f wrote

Husband had to take my car bc his wouldn't even start this morning!


Rs90 t1_j1htp54 wrote

Oh I'm sure, it's fucked outside. Worked in restaurants for over a decade so this is the first time I've had weekend/holidays off. I was feelin for the folks that had to go to work today.

Hope he gets off early and y'all have a lovely Christmas 🤗


AlreadyShrugging t1_j1igrwo wrote

I think working today should be a voluntary thing. There’s enough people who would volunteer if respectfully asked and offered double pay that we can keep things running enough.

Everyone should be entitled to guaranteed time off.


TGIIR t1_j1ivmo5 wrote

When I was young and relatively poor I jumped at the chance for double pay on holidays. I always volunteered.


BobbyFuckingB t1_j1iwvdv wrote

I always worked Christmas Eve when I was in the industry. Put on the punk Christmas playlist and enjoy the generosity of people who want to not be around their family and tip extra for the chance.


Ok_Boysenberry_4223 t1_j1kflgv wrote

If that’s the case everyone should just be entitled to c number of paid holidays that they get to choose at the beginning of each year. There are so many religions that have holidays as important to them s Christmas that aren’t acknowledged by American society. Give everyone the option to take their own holidays, or their birthdays, or the anniversary of the opening of the Wawa at 288 and Broad, etc.


BlueXTC t1_j1ho2en wrote

Lost power for 2 hours yesterday. We have the annual Christmas Eve gathering of the family. My nephew is missing out as he is scheduled to work at his new job and his mum warned him that having an adult job means missing out sometimes. He had been given thanksgiving off and he was told by her to expect to work during Christmas. The future mom will probably not be there as food smells trigger her ongoing nausea. So it is 11 instead of 13. My other sister is picking us up and only allowing 25 mins to get to Short Pump for our dinner with all the last minute shoppers I have my doubts that we will be on time.


breakup_letter t1_j1jj7jb wrote

Just be sure to drive safe even if you’ll be late! Better to arrive alive than on time.


I_Enjoy_Beer t1_j1ho8t8 wrote

Stayed toasty all night, and surprised the kids with pancakes for breakfast. Gotta do a little more wrapping this morning and then its going to be a lot of in-law time.


Catwymyn t1_j1hqft3 wrote

Despite our best efforts, there's a frozen pipe in the wall. Trying to not worry about it 😪


Sage_Advice420 t1_j1hr6pv wrote

As long as you keep dripping and keep the heat on, hopefully you'll be ok!!


Kelevracado4287 t1_j1i53z8 wrote

Shiiit. I don’t work and we aren’t doing Christmas u til Wednesday so I’m wearing sweats and watching the Knives Out 2 on Netflix, smoking weed, and staring at my dog.

Sounds like a good plan.


balance07 t1_j1ht2rp wrote

We're out of town until mid next week. Dunno how concerned to be about my pipes. Turned off water at valve in crawl space before we left, and left kitchen faucet open. Mainly concerned about the section of pipe upstream of the valve. If that freezes, bursts, then thaws, guess I'll have a flooded crawlspace and garage when we return. Put the main level thermostat at 72 last night, hope that heat transferred into the crawl space enough I guess...


molluskich t1_j1hu6mr wrote

I feel grateful to be relatively warm and with power this morning. I already left to run a last minute errand and hit up the grocery store. The Kroger by me was a mess this morning with frantic vibes. The entire meat wall (idk what you call it) had lost power overnight and all the product had been removed, so no steak for dinner tonight like we hoped. Thank you to everyone working today to keep the world turning. I'm sorry you had to but I definitely appreciate you.


FritzFromSonofaFritz t1_j1icup0 wrote

Was loading the car with presents this morning to head up north to see family, then felt like I just wanted to crawl back into bed. Took two COVID tests and both were positive. Brought said presents back inside and spending Christmas at home instead of family. Trying to make the best of the situation by making a list of movies/video games to watch and play, and loading up on healthy food.


KiloLee t1_j1iqvo8 wrote

>Did everyone survive the frigid night?

My rear car windshield didn't. Left work at 1am to find it destroyed

>What are your plans for today?

In an Uber, pulling up to home depot for tape, to go cover my windshield until they can replace ON JANUARY FOURTH WTF


UniversityAny755 t1_j1i2pzu wrote

My poor furnace can't keep up. I've nudged us up to 67 since 8am. I'm hoping for my Hanukkah miracle, keep that oil (natural gas, really) burning.


ChuckBS t1_j1iu5d3 wrote

We are in Auckland New Zealand, it’s Christmas Day here. Going to have breakfast in a bit, then go to the beach. I hope you all have a good holiday!


Asterion7 t1_j1hr9hl wrote

Wrap gifts..cook a movie.....walk the dog and freeze my ass off.


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_j1hws35 wrote

Being cold brings back unhappy childhood memories so I hate this weather extra hard. I’m really deeply grateful to have a warm house now! I feel deep empathy for anyone who doesn’t.


AlreadyShrugging t1_j1idm4y wrote

Is anyone else stoned, drinking box wine, and dancing to Christmas music in the ultra-warm fuzzy socks they opened early on the wood floors?


TheCheeseDevil t1_j1ixox4 wrote

Ptetty adjacent in our household, stoned, drinking egg nog, and dancing to Christmas in ultra warm fuzzy slippers!


ScottRVA t1_j1islue wrote

I am making lemon ricotta pancakes (NYT recipe) tomorrow a.m. and sitting here wishing there was something interesting to watch on TV. Recommendations welcomed.


SarahOnTheHill t1_j1j9r7m wrote

Just finished binging all 7 episodes of Midnight Mass on Netflix. Highly recommend!


jodyhighrola t1_j1hxgr5 wrote

Minshew Madness!

Making the family meatball recipe, blasting music, birds, and then watching the finale for Seinfeld. We've been saving it for months.


PhoenixAshies t1_j1hz59h wrote

Day 1 of Christmases. With me having divorced parents and the husband's family, it's usually a 2-day affair. Luckily this year we have Monday off together for a relax day!


stabbitytuesday t1_j1ibhdk wrote

Need More Big Blankets.

Plan for today is advice: if you're ever thinking of crafting for the holidays, don't.


stickynohte t1_j1if1jn wrote

Heading two hours further East in PA in a bit to see more family. This is the part where I start getting hit with grief as I’d normally be seeing my dad during this leg of travel but he passed 4 years ago.


what-the-what24 t1_j1htswl wrote

Brunch and gifts with husband’s side of the family, then traveling to MD for gifts and dinner tomorrow with my side of the family. Fingers crossed for an uneventful drive.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j1i20ri wrote

According to a temperature sensor I put in my crawlspace, the crawlspace got as low as 33.3F. That is pretty close to freezing---enough to make me nervous about water pipes down there. I'm dripping my faucets hopefully...


foodlion t1_j1i218o wrote

Recieved a copy of Epoch Times in the mail yesterday. Anyone else? Trying to figure out if they're just sending these out or if someone put me on their mailing list as a prank or something.


DragonFireDon t1_j1job80 wrote

People in this city must be so glad to not see pouring rain last couple days and still raining, otherwise they better stay off the roads!

This is INSTANT freeze-up condition. NO way advisable to even drive!

But we had no rain, lucky us!


SchmokinLove t1_j1l01ov wrote

It's crazy so far I've only run AC in my apartment at night when i sleep. It stays around 70 normally which is nice. Other than that I run infrared space heater for a few mins. Like night and day difference of my last place that never got warm no matter what I did.