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spillsomepaint t1_j1k77ox wrote

We just put our little one down for bed, it's the first Christmas Eve, at four years old, that she's ABOUT SANTA. Spent ten min putting out cookies, milk and iced tea out for Santa and a few carrots and a bowl of water for the reindeer.

Enjoying the wood stove, some homegrown, and a flan from my family's dinner earlier.


No_Mongoose_7401 t1_j1kc780 wrote

Awww. That sounds delightful! Enjoy the magic that Christmas brings when you have a little one. Their wonderment and excitement is pure joy to witness!


agnosticdeist t1_j1kktga wrote

Dude mine’s four and it took an extra 30 minutes to get her to bed bc she’s so excited. My better half and I brought in the power wheel we built a week ago and hid under the house. Playing Santa is so much more fun when the magic is in their eyes.


breakup_letter t1_j1kfpcv wrote

We put out milk, oranges (oops no cookies!) and a carrot for the reindeer. Merry Christmas!


Gothmom85 t1_j1kkhcw wrote

Mine is 3. She's excited, but it wasn't until a well meaning grocery clerk at Kroger asked if she was setting out milk and cookies, did she get Really excited. So I wasn't planning to do that yet, but we made a batch of chocolate chip cookies before I headed to work tonight. I'm just glad to be off, tips were decent, and we got out on time. Dad and I are having a late dinner, cleaning up and watching RPDR, then being Santa and putting everything out by the tree. Edit: we also have some home grown we got as a gift!