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jaywan1991 t1_j157hx2 wrote

Maybe a succession thing like the president has. At least until an election can be planned at a minimum. I mean does district 4 even have a representative come January?

Yeah i know they'll freak out but a guy can dream. We were able to do the 2020 census over the internet so I hope one day we can do this the same. It's crazy this is still a pen and paper operation.


oldguy_on_the_wire t1_j15akhn wrote

> Maybe a succession thing like the president has.

How would you decide who is to succeed when necessary? The only process that makes sense to make that decision is the same one we previously discussed... elect multiple people in priority order.

> I mean does district 4 even have a representative come January?

It does not have representation beyond the two statewide senators until McEachin is replaced.


jaywan1991 t1_j15b0jy wrote

Maybe have their lead aid run the ship until elections Happen or people in charge of various departments in the state like we do with the presidency. I dunno, I'm not a policy maker

Yeah no representation for a month-ish kinda sucks. I wonder if we should be taxed for that time period on a state level because of the whole taxation without representation (that last sentence was a joke and should not be taken seriously).


oldguy_on_the_wire t1_j15eflo wrote

This still ignores the fundamental fact that the people elected a particular person. The didn't elect an aid. They didn't elect the representative's wife or child or parent.

A line of succession scheme can work well when there is a hierarchy to hang it on, as with the US Presidency, or with state governorships. A representative to Congress or to a state legislature is a single power point, not a hierarchy.

The most effective, fair way to replace a lost one is with a special election rapidly conducted.

I slightly misstated things earlier in this thread when I said the fourth district is unrepresented until the seat is filled. It is more accurate to note that if an important enough issue were to arise then it very probably would be picked up by other members of the Virginia delegation.


jaywan1991 t1_j15jcxx wrote

Eh you're probably right there. Still, I do think we need an interim rep until the election. Someone to bring our local concerns to the federal level.

I just hope what you say is true that an important enough issue will be picked up. Heck a nice rule would be any other Virginia rep can help you out until you have a rep again. I think most do out of kindness but still something on paper would be nice