Submitted by svdggm t3_zuctti in rva

I'm planning to do the 4x4x48 Challenge (run 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours) next weekend, starting at 4 am on Friday, 12/30 and ending at 12 am on Sunday, 1/1. I'll be setting out for runs at 4, 8, and 12 am/pm between those dates and would love the company of anyone down to join me for any of those brackets.

These will be slow runs (approx. 10-15 minute miles) and I'll definitely be shuffle-jogging up all hills and just fucking loopy in general by 4 pm on Friday. I have a few different loops/T&Bs planned from my neighborhood in Southside, like over Nickel Bridge, around Dogwood Dell, through Forest Hill Park, etc., but am also open to checking out any favorite 4-mile routes of yours.

Weather looks great (daytime temps in the 60s, nighttime temps in the mid-40s, maybe a little rain on Saturday). There might be pizza and other carby snacks; there might be champagne before the final run at midnight on the New Year. My dogs will join me for two or three of these runs and are available upon request. Your dogs can come, too.


  1. Fri 12/30, 4 am
  2. Fri 12/30, 8 am
  3. Fri 12/30, 12 pm
  4. Fri 12/30, 4 pm
  5. Fri 12/30, 8 pm
  6. Sat 12/31, 12 am
  7. Sat 12/31, 4 am
  8. Sat 12/31, 8 am
  9. Sat 12/31, 12 pm
  10. Sat 12/31, 4 pm
  11. Sat 12/31, 8 pm
  12. Sun 1/1, 12 am

Who's in?



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2054 t1_j1ifhfa wrote

Good luck and stay hydrated!


ToadFlax0 t1_j1iiy1i wrote

Did the yeti challenge last year, good times!


kipfoot t1_j1im1r8 wrote

I'm in. Family obligations on the 31st, but I could do Friday 12 or 4. If I were to curate a route for you, we'd go from Amelia St School, down colorado, through the cemetery, n bank trail to nickel bridge, around byrd park lake.


twampster t1_j1j8k24 wrote

A friend and I did a 1x1x24 around this time last year and had a blast. I’d join you for a loop or two, but I’m heavily pregnant this year. Good luck!


treelizard29 t1_j1jzlk4 wrote

I’d be down to help out for some laps! Helped a friend do the backyard 4 miles every hour on the hour in the past and generally just like silly running things


alexwashburn0 t1_j1kcfmr wrote

In a boot currently for an injury but when I’m healthy would definitely be down to do this as someone who has recently got into running


svdggm OP t1_j1lx4pw wrote

So sorry about your injury and will miss you out there this round — let’s stay in touch for next time. If you’re on Strava and if you feel comfortable doing so, DM me your info and I’ll find you there!