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bored0327 t1_j1lm0jx wrote

Up early, coffee and my prescription!!! Teen is already awake, 4yr old girl decided she didnt want to go to sleep on time so trying to let her sleep in a bit. Ham steak for breakfast. We started doing non traditional Christmas dinner 3 yrs ago. We love it. So tonight is my wife's bbq bacon string cheese meatloaf, homemade mash and gravy. Tomorrows meatloaf sandwiches with fried onions on top. Gonna try to do some wood turning today since its gonna be warmer!!


DukePookums t1_j1lwlcs wrote

Non traditional meals for Christmas and thanksgiving are the BEST. Last year we had enchiladas


Charlesinrichmond t1_j1m8om9 wrote

as long as you are overeating properly. That's the essence of these things for me.

Also my stomach hurts