Submitted by Geteven987 t3_zxdg6k in rva

So I have been going back and forth with VCU Health for close to a year now for a bill that was submitted to my insurance and partially approved. That’s key because I never would have noticed this bill otherwise because now they are saying I owe about 150.00 out of pocket. Normally that’s not a problem and I pay it but I noticed something strange on this invoice. The doctor listed I had never seen or heard of. Now I know sometimes other providers will show up in family practices but this visit is the same type for periodic checkups twice a month. I called VCU billing and all they can do is submit for review. I have had that done multiple times but never get an answer as to why that visit was billed differently then all prior to and post. It’s BS like this that makes healthcare so expensive in this country but normally we don’t notice it if you have insurance because we don’t have an out of pocket expense or only incur a nominal fee. Watch your money 😡



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elgro t1_j1zw1ds wrote

Did you have an X-ray or something else done during the visit like anesthesia? A lot of times these will get billed out separately from the hospital or clinic visit or bill from the doctor you saw


codva t1_j210scg wrote

I don't have an answer for you, but just posting to let you know it's not just you. Took me six months last year to get a bogus bill straightened out. And when I was cleaning my office yesterday, I found a $600 bill from VCU from a procedure in June that I paid my portion in full in advance, because they gave me a 15% discount to do so. My last note on the bill is 10/28 - being referred for review. Haven't heard a thing since.


treelizard29 t1_j21g1yi wrote

Since VCU switched EMRs last December billing has been fucked. My boyfriend is still disputing an incorrect bill from December 2021 and has spent hours trying to get them to review it. You can try calling Patient Relations, that seemed to make a little headway but it’s still not resolved


vhanudux t1_j23opy3 wrote

My wife had a primary care visit coded as preventative care because she asked the resident about a mole. Because of that one question, the visit went from free to $250.

Also, they tried to charge her for an hour and a half visit, because the resident had to run around and find her supervising doctor to approve what she had done. The resident was with her a total of 20 minutes.

I love VCU dental care, but VCU Health is a crock of shit.


BlueXTC t1_j245wib wrote

First step for a medical bill for me is to ask for an itemized bill. Strange things happen when you do that the cost goes way down. It will give you precisely what they are trying to bill and a starting place for a dispute.