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ThatChildNextDoor OP t1_j1e7vy6 wrote

I'm guessing due to crime, really due to areas that they are in are Hotspots for crime.


TheWastebasket t1_j1ecqub wrote

They're actually not cameras, rather lazer beams that communicate sleeper cell activation codes to the sleeper agents here (including myself, when the time is right).


I_AM_RVA t1_j1edjm9 wrote

This is an absolute lie, disinformation and, frankly, disgusting. The truth is that these cameras are actually RFID chip communicators that control the actions and gather information from everyone who has ever taken Tylenol. Anti-vax shills were always a psyop to take attention away from the true mark of the Beast, acetaminophen. These “cameras,” that are actually called Machine Controllers by the the Tylenol cabal, are in “select” neighborhoods because Tylenol is using existing racial prejudices and injustice as a cover for their global population control strategy. This has all been documented in great detail by United States Congressmen who are being silenced. Open your eyes.


I_AM_RVA t1_j1eiwg9 wrote

This is exactly right. Everyone else is in on it, from Oprah to Pearl Jsm. The only people who know the truth are Elon Musk, flat earthers, Donald trump Jr, and Matthew Broderick ( who is Q for all you fools who still don’t believe.)


Big-Fondant-852 t1_j1es4cu wrote

They are called flock cameras and are placed at intersections to automatically detect stolen cars in the city.


Turbulent-Flamingo84 t1_j1f0r0h wrote

As someone who lives in one of those “select” neighborhoods, I wish there were more cameras. Clearly we need all we can to fight crime.


spottedcowgirl t1_j1fh18w wrote

Statistics that show which areas have a higher rate of a certain type of crime.


DamILuvFrogs t1_j1ghveo wrote

To find stolen cars and or to send them registration tickets


ttd_76 t1_j1gikgb wrote

Either because the cops are jerks and want to keep an eye on minorities/the poors so they can bust them… or because it just makes sense to put the cameras where the most crime occurs or where stolen property ends up and they are helping to keep everyone safe.

Probably a little of both.


Previous-Expert-378 t1_j1gp3b9 wrote

I believe there is one on Blakemore Rd just off of Jahnke by the middle school. I thought it was a red light camera at first or something to do with enforcement of the reduced speed due to the school zone. Interesting that these are actually license plate scanners!

Are there any more recent articles or press releases about these cameras?


I_AM_RVA t1_j1hrsdv wrote

You think this is a joke? It’s a joke to you? The wholesale control of people via RFID chips implanted against their will and without their knowledge through one of the most controversial OTC medicines in the United States makes you chuckle?