Submitted by Ok-Owl6515 t3_z6jfjy in rva

I could go on a rant but I need to save my strength for the next thing. The Temp agency assigned me to the DMV, I thought it went well but the management at DMV saw me being a Master's Student a problem. I don't blame them for letting me go, but letting me go the day after Thanksgiving comes across as petty. I don't think I am going to work for Temp agencies anymore.

Anyway, any funny stories to share from your own experiences with Temp agencies? or just share a random story in general.



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cleverocks t1_iy1qjb9 wrote

“Do not touch” must be one of the most terrifying things to read in braille.


assaulty t1_iy1wdj2 wrote

Many years ago, I was in my late twenties, and finally got a job after 18 months of unemployment and in recovery from addiction.

The job was in a fancy building and required business casual clothing. It took me awhile to get on my feet, I was always short in money.

Anyway, this was in the early 2000's so email was still big mode of personal communication, and I decided to send a quick email to my dad to ask for some money to buy pants. I did this from my work email, which I have done many times before.

My dad and my boss have verrrry similar names.

So, I get a response back from my boss that just says "what"

I do not embarass easily, but my heart and my stomach switched places. It was mortifying. Even my co worker who didnt have a big sense of humor was crying laughing at me.

I hope this made you feel a little better! Im so sorry you were laid off and I hope you find something awesome right away.


Ok-Owl6515 OP t1_iy8q269 wrote

Thanks for sharing your story. It was funny. It did help me feel better!


dreww4546 t1_iy1zz7k wrote

I worked for a temp agency I'm DC years ago. I was hired out for a week to cover phones at an apt rental agency while they were in court being sued (talk about a red flag). Since no one ever called, I read a book. This made them mad, even though there were no other jobs they would let me do, so they refused to pay the temp agency.

Thankfully, the temp agency took my side. An assignment or 2 later, I worked somewhere long enough to get hired.


Accomplished-Pen-394 t1_iy1qic8 wrote

I got fired from a temp job for not doing anything. There was nothing to do. (I then got assigned to where I am not until Wednesday.) Not sure how funny that story is but hey.


Ok-Owl6515 OP t1_iy1t3w2 wrote

Pretty much my situation. I was assigned a job where I had wait to get access to stuff and when I finally had access, I was let go.


Accomplished-Pen-394 t1_iy1ti5h wrote

I do temp work because at some point I’m planning to go back to college for my four year degree. (At this point probably next fall.) (I turned down a temp to perm job because of that and I never stay at jobs for long)


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iy35c4t wrote

A friend of mine at some big tech firm encouraged me to apply to a specific job, told me that as soon as I apply (thru the website) he would use his inside influence to usher me quickly to the top of the interview process.

Sure enough, I didn't have to wait long at all before I receive the rejection email :)


halfghan24 t1_iy21xbb wrote

This Thanksgiving I found out my uncle’s dad served in WWII.

I figured he saw some action in the European theater or something, but it turns out he was stationed for R&R on a Moroccan beach far from any battles.

Whenever people would ask what he did during the time he served in the war, he would say “nothing, really.”

It’s always the ones who had the roughest time who want to talk about it the least.


Ok-Owl6515 OP t1_iy4sbkp wrote

Nice! My Grandfather was in WWII. Over the holidays my family will sometimes go through his photos and letters from the war.

He was the same way. He would never talk about it. According to my Dad, he was a Sgt and all the men he commanded were killed. He spent months in a hospital from his wounds. He beat my Dad as a kid and my Dad contributes it to undiagnosed PTSD.


[deleted] t1_iy3hfpa wrote



Ok-Owl6515 OP t1_iy8q4os wrote

Hopefully I never voted for this Delegate lol

I am noticing this trend in Government, there is not enough to do but no one wants to admit it. I may be wrong.