Submitted by Herownself t3_z2oz2n in rva

What are you doing to get ready for tomorrow? Also a good day to research what native population's land are you living on?

I am going to go pick up all the food pre-made from Libbey Market, and I live on land originally belonging to the Powhatan people (as I suspect most of us do locally)



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catmmy50 t1_ixhbzjc wrote

I live in Varina. Working tomorrow so no prep. My prep is resting up.


ViralSpiralz t1_ixhc1p7 wrote

I am looking for heavy whipping cream, but it's sold out everywhere!

I also live on Powhatan land. My cousins are half native (my uncle is full), but they don't really celebrate the day. I usually just shoot them a text to say hey.


Charlesinrichmond t1_ixhdf31 wrote

Definitely a cooking day, and I probably need to run out for ingredients


TheCheeseDevil t1_ixhdprj wrote

Working and wishing I had taken today off like almost everyone else on my team did. Feeling pretty shaken up on the eve of the holiday, will be travelling for Thanksgiving near Chesapeake tomorrow. I just don't feel safe anywhere anymore.


Shaunisdone t1_ixhdz3u wrote

For prep I'm going to take a half day at work and try not to drink all the alcohol that I'm saving to tolerate my family tomorrow.


Nothing2SeeHere4U t1_ixhejhk wrote

Struggling. Will try to get some cooking done, but I've been slipping into a depressive episode and I feel it starting to take hold more strongly. Barely have energy to take care of myself and my pets at the moment and really just want to sleep. Had a few encounters with RPD lately that left me shaken and feeling powerless. Not a fan of this time of year


turtle_stank t1_ixhep18 wrote

I am doing my best to not piss off or get pissed off at my parents. It gets harder every year, especially knowing I could just go back to my own place.


disputing_stomach t1_ixhf89q wrote

Taking the day off. My wife just let me know that her sister and her husband will be coming tomorrow. They originally had begged off, citing a desire to "avoid political disagreements". So.

Anyway, today i'm starting bread and making pie. And helping with cleaning, leaves, setting the table, etc. I'll take a walk with the dogs at some point.


anonfromnowher t1_ixhfbrk wrote

How do you guys get rid of those green single use propane tanks for camping grills? I don't think I can just dump them in the trash, can I? I haven't yet so now I have a stockpile of like 15 empty canisters.


rvamama804 t1_ixhfec3 wrote

Going to the store to get crispy onions and hope I don't get shot.


BlueXTC t1_ixhfpfm wrote

Just bringing wine tomorrow so no prep. Tradition is we have the celebration at my sisters place. 13 family and a couple of outsiders. Mother of the future great grandchild is finally feeling well enough to attend so mum can see the progress in person.


ChuckBS t1_ixhg2je wrote

I’ve got a half day at work, then I’ve got to run some errands before we drive to my MIL’ s house tonight.


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_ixhhfvo wrote

Depending on where you live, this area is the boundary between the Monacan (western half) and Powhatan tribes to the east, approximately at the fall line.

Cool interactive map if you haven't seen it:


irish-ramb0 t1_ixhj2wo wrote

Does anybody know where has fresh turkeys in stock? Need to get one for tomorrow but just got paid today. Thank you in advance!


bettygreatwhite t1_ixhjkcj wrote

I decided last night that I would try my hand at making chocolates for thanksgiving because the best time to take up new hobbies is two days before the holiday. I have zero experience but a can-do attitude and a penchant for perfectionism so literally nothing can go wrong.


barrewinedogs t1_ixhjsvo wrote

Trader Joe’s sells non-frozen turkeys. Call to see if they still have any. You might call Whole Foods and see if they have any, too.

Edit - if you want something cheaper, here’s how to defrost a turkey fast and safely!!


NuttingOnNutzy t1_ixhjwxz wrote

Feel lucky I don’t have any food to prep. Will eat pie with the fam then head home early for a nap.

I’m mostly excited that the reindeer costume I ordered for my ferret showed up yesterday! Going to spend the day making miniature props and painting a winter scene backdrop. Tomorrow, I’ll take pictures of him for my holiday cards


GaimanitePkat t1_ixhkfgt wrote

It personally frustrates me a lot when grocery store employees make seasonal displays and completely wipe out the shelves to do so.

I was looking for pie crust and there was 0 pie crust at all where it should be. I figured there must have been a giant run on crust, but then later realized that no, it was in a seasonal cooler display in another location.

The same has happened before with spices and other baking needs. I get what they're trying to do but grocery shopping is already overwhelming enough for me without having to play hide and seek with seasonal displays. I've never worked at a place where we cleared out the regular stock area to make a display.


TomJoadsLich t1_ixhkujt wrote

Can we post a thread about Chesapeake? Feel like we should have solidarity with other Virginians

I’m making my Mac and Cheese and driving to Baltimore to see family


rattylight t1_ixhl38x wrote

Originally planned to travel to my parents' this afternoon for Thanksgiving, but my wife and I found that one of our cats has cancer. She isn't eating much, so we don't want to be away from her for long - we might just make it a brief trip tomorrow. It'll be a somber holiday season for us this year.

According to the site, I live on land belonging to the Powhatan and Youghtanund peoples. I'll need to learn more about the Youghtanund tribe - thank you for that.


LilWhiny t1_ixhl7yo wrote

On Manahoac land in Clarke County. Going to do a long hike and grab a beer at a local brewery before we prep our yearly pre Thanksgiving Soup Night.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_ixhmptg wrote

No prep bc no family so we are taking it easy and hopefully playing disc tomorrow. No other time off bc small business everything.


raindeerpie t1_ixhn3l4 wrote

I'm excited for a nice long weekend with family! going to eat, drink, and watch football for 4 days straight


lemon_difficult90 t1_ixhnv2a wrote

Normal day of work for me. I didn’t feel up to seeing my extended family this year - it’s been a sad few months (years, tbh) on my end, but all the cousins my age seem to have had banner years, and I just didn’t want to be the failure yet again - so I’m staying home with my cat and swinging down to Norfolk later in the weekend to see my parents. Usually I make desserts, though! There’s an apple and cream cheese torte I like to fix this time of year that I can’t justify making for just me.


BrendanQ t1_ixhnx1g wrote

My feast prep is bringing 750mL of Eagle Rare to the house, per family’s request.

Just gotta get through the work day. I have the Peanuts Thanksgiving music going


coskiii t1_ixho1a9 wrote

Planning a December date. Can you get into The Jefferson to look at the Christmas decorations if you’re not a guest or don’t have reservations at Lemaire?


jsheil1 t1_ixhpf05 wrote

Friend couldn’t stay, so we’re doing it today. Beach Thanksgiving!


Hiltson87 t1_ixhpf3e wrote

Had 3 different clients send me 2-3 bid requests a piece that they want by next Wednesday. Blueprints for all of them are absolute garbage and my 2 main sales reps are on vacation all next week.

Really considering just leaving early and going to the bar because fuck this shit. It's not realistic to expect a bid within 7 days of a request in the first place, let alone during a major holiday.


skinnylynnie80 t1_ixhqadp wrote

Today my family will gather for the unveiling of my mother's tombstone, a Jewish tradition that takes place a minimum of one year after a death. My mother died during Covid, so her funeral was very small. She was the most generous woman that I know, with her time, energy and love. She taught everyone around her to do the right thing. I am very proud to be the "child" of my mother and father. After the cemetery we will all go back to her house and eat the recipes that she used to cook for us and work on cleaning out her house. So many memories!


Otter_Than_That t1_ixhqdy1 wrote

Woke up to a group text from my mom (in FL) checking in and my sisters (in Chesapeake) talking about it. My BIL used to work emergency services for Chesapeake and my niece currently works for them now so they had a lot of insight into it.

My SO and I lived nearby that location about a decade ago and I’ve definitely been there.

And We just had a connection to the shooting in Raleigh last month because it happened in a neighborhood that some of my SOs former co-workers lived in.


Gothmom85 t1_ixhqxf0 wrote

Our house is sick so I have to disappoint grandma with a call later. I already bought the food, so I'm still making sides today, lazily. The. I can make the turkey tomorrow and we can make some frozen meal preps I suppose! I've been up since my kid woke at 5 and I can't sleep because the second I get comfortable she wants to do sleepy gymnastics all over me. But she was up til 1, poor thing, so I'm stuck here until my husband returns from urgent care and swaps being a human teddy bear/heating pad with me.


orthopteran t1_ixhr0a4 wrote

My to-do list includes stuffing, deviled eggs, tarte tatin and a chocolate hazelnut galette. Glad to be off through the end of the week and all of next week, I definitely need a long break. Also, living on Powhatan land now but originally from land of the Tutelo in SWVA.


fuknpikey t1_ixhrz3m wrote

Momma is sick. Dont have any other family but my 2 kids. This was going to be the first Thanksgiving in a while I didnt spend alone. All I know is that someone out there is worse off than me and I should'nt be complaining.


schmoopie76 t1_ixhsevk wrote

Just my little family at the beach - we all cook together, my kids have always loved it. Today I will make cinnamon rolls for breakfast and pound cake for dessert. A trip the grocery store I am sure…

Currently in Hilton Head, home originally to the Yemasee and Cusabo Tribes. HHI also has a large Gullah influence.


donteatmydog t1_ixhshla wrote

Trying to get over this ridiculous cold I got - feeling like I'll be pretty much normal by tomorrow (fingers crossed).


_R_A_ t1_ixhshut wrote

I love Thanksgiving! Biggest holiday of the year for my family!

Today begins the turkey brine! Getting ready to go do that now. Might prep the stuffing as well.


RileyDL t1_ixhtiij wrote

I made a pecan pie last night. I'll make the turkey tomorrow. Husband is making most everything else, except what my parents and his are bringing. I'm not excited but at least it'll be over in under 48 hours.

I'm living on Powhatan, Chickahominy, and Youghtanund land. I'm going to do some reading up, because I'd never heard of that third one. Thanks for the nudge.


StylishSuidae t1_ixhvvoo wrote

I'm not a cook, but I'm good at baking.

The problem is, all of the classic baked good staples for thanksgiving are pies.

I do not own a rolling pin or a pie plate, and don't have the ingredients for pie filling (and I'm not going to go to the store to pick up any of those things the day before thanksgiving because I value my life and my sanity)

So tonight I'm baking the totally traditional thanksgiving pound cake


Yewbaby t1_ixhy8lk wrote

I am making a sweet potato casserole that I had last year at Ruth Chris steakhouse. My fiancé is making some sort of cookies. We’ll be driving to Harrisonburg to spend the evening with my family.

Also, I went to Point 5 in Carytown to pick up some drinks for thanksgiving dinner and I’m interested in seeing how they taste!


everybodyhateskhris t1_ixhz957 wrote

Powhatan land currently and Chesapeake/Lumbee land in my hometown area.

I'll be doing the same thing I do every ham day, baking sweet potatoe pies.


upearlyRVA t1_ixhzax9 wrote

Sick kid so probably laying low and watching over him.


cassanovadaga t1_ixi08et wrote

I used to work in bakery retail during the holidays - making those end caps is also annoying for the staff bc then we’d get a million questions or complaints 😅best bet is to politely ask someone working, so much faster than wandering around trying to find where they were told to put it


BurkeyTurger t1_ixi0kun wrote

Gotta make some cookies tonight but otherwise it's just a normal day.

Probably do some laundry so that God's bloatiest soldier can have his stretchiest pants.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_ixi192v wrote

Unrelated to the daily and yes I searched the sub but does anyone have a recommendation for a place other than Schwartzschild for selling or valuing an old pocket watch? I've contacted them twice with no response.


manyamile t1_ixi1e18 wrote

Can they be refilled? Yes but it’s a DIY job. They’re not made to be refilled but you can buy adapters to do it.

Should they? Probably not. It’s my understanding that those tanks aren’t made to cycle in the same way a standard tank is.


StylishSuidae t1_ixi51sb wrote

I haven't heard of that, but looking into it, probably not the best option for my family. Practically everyone is a picky eater of some sort or another, me included, so it's best to go with something simple that everyone can agree on.


cassanovadaga t1_ixi5bc7 wrote

That’s fair. It’s a pretty good baseline alternative to pound cake if you ever wanna mix it up. It usually has a bit of a lemony zest to it and is great with any fruit toppings - or even just powdered sugar!


ashdeezttv t1_ixi77v1 wrote

I am aggravated because I thought weed was legal in VA and apparently you still can’t just go in and buy it anywhere? After all this time? I just wanted a fucking edible and I don’t actually live IN Richmond so I am too far for any delivery I think :(


coskiii t1_ixi9k3p wrote

Good to hear. Last year they only allowed guests and reservation-holders to come in and closed it off to all others, so hoping they’re opening back up. It’s my wife’s favorite Christmas activity!


Vajama77 t1_ixid2nq wrote

You can buy D9 edibles pretty much everywhere. Stick to good brands like Hometown Hero, Enjoy Hemp, 3chi, or Hemp Doctor. It's legal, has THC and will get you high


ashdeezttv t1_ixidbp6 wrote

I feel stupid because I don’t know anywhere is and I don’t know if d9 is the regular or weird ass new weed. I want natural regular grown weed in my stuff I just don’t partake often. Just want it to help my insomnia.


MustryTree t1_ixie8d6 wrote

Most delivery services don’t really care if they are delivering to your home or somewhere else. Chose a bar/coffee shop/etc to hang out in and have a little you time and wait for your delivery!


BurkeyTurger t1_ixient1 wrote

Lucky, I have a couple that are only a short drive from my office and they're always mobbed. Like literally I leave a minute or two after getting the email and there will be already be a decent line by the time I get there.


100835 t1_ixil0rh wrote

We're not doing Thanksgiving until Friday due to family swapping year with in laws. I'm actually happy to spend tomorrow in my pajamas watching parade and drinking mimosas and still get to enjoy it all on a 24 hour delay.


Poke-a-dotted t1_ixiojff wrote

We traveled out of state. Love the in-laws so overall can’t complain.

I thought I lived on Powhatan land, but after looking it up, it looks like it was actually territory of Monacan Indians, members of the Catawba tribe of the Sioux. I am visiting Potawatomi, Miami, Eel River, Wea, Sioux, and Shawnee land.


PhoenixAshies t1_ixirjjx wrote

Was supposed to work a half-day today, but the Big Big Bosses surprised us all yesterday and said "nah, we're just going to close the whole day. Enjoy yourselves!"

Tomorrow I'll go out and spend the day with my dad, who starts cancer treatments on Monday. It's not going to be a big holiday feast, just everyone bringing a little something and more about family time than stuffing our faces. It's going to be a different holiday season, that's for sure. I just hope it's not the last one.

So today I went out and bought a small Christmas tree and some trimmings and put it up in the bedroom. Christmas lights just make me feel better.


CultivatingBitchery t1_ixit8y4 wrote

We’re chilling and prepping tomorrow for a Friendsgiving because we’ve made friends with a few international college kids @ VCU who shockingly have never celebrated Thanksgiving. We’ll have beer, soju, food, drinks, and lots of games to be played. Including drinking games 😂😂


airykillm t1_ixiuwnp wrote

If you download the Native Land app (available on iOS and Android; run by Native Land Digital, a Canadian non-profit led by an Indigenous Board of Directors), it can show you which indigenous groups lived where you live now. For my home (southside/Chesterfield), the land belonged to the Powhatan people and for my work (Innsbrook area), the land belonged to the Monacan people.

I'll be making the mashed potatoes for dinner with my mom's family tomorrow if my hands will cooperate. If they don't, my spouse will do the potato cutting, but I'll do the rest. I'm taking a turkey-substitute log to my in-laws' tomorrow (I've already told them they don't need to eat it if they don't want to, I'm mostly bringing it because I want to try it and there are already plenty of other dishes being prepared).


c53x12 t1_ixiwbhp wrote

I'm enjoying a GBS in a coffee mug while I struggle through afternoon online Teams meetings scheduled by tone-deaf managers.


yamibrandon14 t1_ixj35g9 wrote

Coming back home to you lovely RVA folks tomorrow!! I've missed the RVA since I've been away so long.

Being from Powhatan county itself, I for sure lived on their ancient grounds. Remember the peoples who were here before us, and their stories, yall.


scarletwitchx t1_ixj52ho wrote

the news in chesapeake is really messing w me. there have been so many shootings lately but uva and chesapeake are just so heavy being so close and knowing people there. i’m so sick of the violence


SquirrelBurritos t1_ixjox06 wrote

Everything is prepped for the tamale party tomorrow, tonight I’m making the tres leches. Nothing too exciting, just a normal day at work