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icecreamfist t1_iy6b72m wrote

I don't believe I've ever prescribed 100ft lunge line leashes as a way to prevent dog attacks. I merely stated lunge lines are an option if you must give your dog more line on a walk. I just pointed out they can even go up to 100ft.

But if the dog was on a leash and under the owner's physical control, certainly the woman would not be dead. Since, the only reason the dog stopped attacking the woman was because the owner physically moved the dog away. That is what a leash is really good for - to physically move your dog if needed.

Unrelated to this conversation, I'm most certainly an idiot. Ask my wife :)


ThrowawayAntelopes t1_iy6bita wrote

In that case, sounds like we're in perfect agreement.


icecreamfist t1_iy6c85y wrote

Yes, I think I hit a nerve here and I apologize. I think we may even be talking about completely different scenarios. You may be taking your dog off leash in a private giant field where no one is probably around, or a dog park designated for dogs running around etc where all participants expect and agree to dogs running off leash together.

Which is the opposite of what I'm talking about, which is trying to walk my dog down the end of the block.


oh_hello_rva t1_iy7u225 wrote

Thank you, u/icecreamfist. You were the hero I needed today.

The entitlement is so strong in these people who want to put their preference / convenience over other human's and pet's ability to simply exist.

The worst part is that they still want to argue about it like it's up for debate, when it's the law and simply part of the social contract when you live in Richmond. If they don't like it, they should move somewhere that doesn't have leash laws.