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DannyMeehan t1_iwfrfka wrote

Reply to comment by Kmdjr1021 in Couch to sleep on? by Kmdjr1021

Also the fastest way to get homeless services in Richmond is through the Homeless Point of Entry. You can call them or show up there with your ID.

“Homeless Point of Entry is the starting point for anyone who is homeless and in need of shelter, case management, and related services. This free program helps clients achieve self-sufficiency and gain permanent housing. Staff works directly with area emergency shelters to fill available beds in greater Richmond.

When you come to Homeless Point of Entry, please bring:

  1. ID.
  2. Documentation regarding your homelessness.”

[deleted] t1_iwg0e44 wrote



DannyMeehan t1_iwg7bzt wrote

It just means anything you have about yourself that will help them provide services, like disabilities, etc. it’s meant to help and not to disqualify the individual. All homeless services run through the point of entry. Instead of the individual having to figure out where to get help it’s one central number or location they can contact to access everything.


DudeManBo1t t1_iwg44gb wrote

Yea wtf... who tf has documents that proves your homeless. That just sounds ridiculous


wil_dogg t1_iwgorey wrote

Some homeless people have food stamps and some immigrants have work authorization so just maybe the homeless people know what is what and you are wearing your privilege on your sleeve?


DudeManBo1t t1_iwgzky4 wrote

Or maybe I figured if you were homeless and in need of help you should get it? But go ahead and act like a pretentious jackass behind your monitor.Thanks for being so helpful with your pertinent information


wil_dogg t1_iwh2tia wrote

Tell me you have never been hands on with homeless people without telling me you have never been hands on with homeless people.