Submitted by Melodic_Apple_9504 t3_z0x7wj in rva

Coming off an incredible few days. Saw Billy Strings in RVA on Wednesday. Saw Goose/TAB tour on Thursday with a Billy Strings sit-in. To die for Friendsgiving spread over the weekend. To hell with cold dark winter days.

What are you are still thankful from the weekend that will make the short workweek even shorter?



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Illuvatar_CS t1_ix7s811 wrote

What’s your opinion of Goose? Here’s my curmudgeon take - they are great and everything, but I’m sad to see Trey go on tour with such a young new band, while Umphreys, moe., Panic, Aqueous, etc. have been putting in the work for years, and Goose sucks up all the air in the room somehow. Idk, they don’t do it for me, although you’d have to be a special kind of ignorant not to realize they are pretty talented.


ValidGarry t1_ix7spcv wrote

Thankful to be going into the office today instead of remote working since I just spent the last 3 days on a remote training course locked in my spare room.


ChuckBS t1_ix7t4z1 wrote

Thankful to be back working fully remote. I had Been doing two days a week in the office, no longer the case. Thankful for all the friends I have here. Thankful for another Thanksgiving with with my wonderful wife. I could go on


bettygreatwhite t1_ix7us8e wrote

I’m already thinking about the soup I’m making for dinner tonight. It’s so cold out!

I’m planning on entering the thunderdome (Wegmans) this morning so I’m getting plenty of coffee in before I brave that shit show.


setsails t1_ix7vm11 wrote

Is anyone immediately hiring entry level paralegal roles? Like law assistant or secretary roles?


ViralSpiralz t1_ix7vwlh wrote

I'm at the doctor getting antibiotics this morning, so meh, but also will be good to get rid of this. I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year, and I've already gotten calls and texts messages with family drama that I know will be carried into dinner. Send help...


RufuMahli t1_ix7wk8s wrote

I think Goose has a uniqueness and hip vibe that is transcending the jam scene. The biggest thing to me though is Rick can sing! Same with Billy Strings. Both aren’t bad on the eyes either! Lol. UM and the others you listed are all markedly worse singers than Phish or the Dead, both of which are not known for their singing abilities. Panic shouldn’t be lumped in with the others you listed, they are as big as they deserve to be. Large following, sell out areas regularly. Also, they have shared the stage with Phish, on Horde tour in ‘92.


kegel_monster t1_ix7xjln wrote

Very thankful for my dog, my friends, and my bicycles without them life would be terrible. Working two days this week and looking forward to hanging out the rest of the week.


BlueXTC t1_ix7xyq3 wrote

Made broth yesterday. Used some to make a seafood hot pot and have the rest to work off for lunch for the 3 days I work this week.


RelationMaleficent63 t1_ix7z3et wrote

After seeing them being hyped by everyone I checked them out. I listened to 'So Ready' and really enjoyed it but I tried to listen to some of their other stuff and it didn't click for me. Not a huge fan of their jams and the auto tune they like to use but to each their own.


Illuvatar_CS t1_ix7zfki wrote

That’s fair, I am underestimating how big Panic is and how often they sell out large venues. Also your point about the singing is very true. I like Bayliss’ voice a lot but it’s undeniable that Rick has a great voice


juwanna-blomie t1_ix80xq6 wrote

Despite FIFA’s bullshit, I’m grateful for the World Cup. I’ve been watching it since I can remember and just brings me back to waking up at like 4am to watch games.


Arcangelathanos t1_ix81a89 wrote

I'm thankful I'm a native English speaker and that the Internet basically caters to us. I'm attempting to make infusible ink mugs using a non-English alphabet for my cousins' aunts and omg the struggles are real. My cousin was like, "just do it in English," and I got mad. I have a freaking $300 Cricut. This shouldn't be this difficult! But it is. And I'm thankful I speak English.


fluufhead t1_ix827q4 wrote

Woke up all dry and stuffy from the heat being on. Guess I'm in the market for a humidifier. Seems it made my tinnitus worse too


TheCheeseDevil t1_ix82bua wrote

Still can't get over that Billy Strings show! I was aware of him mostly because he played a set with Tommy Emmanuel but I didn't know anything about his live performances. Ended up with a pit ticket the morning of and I'm now a solid convert.


manyamile t1_ix83hl0 wrote

Is it spring yet? I’m ready for spring.


bmrobin t1_ix83v9d wrote

i like UM a lot but i haven’t enjoyed the last 3+ albums they’ve made. just seems so bland. yes their live shows are the real deal still but it seems like they’re just dialing it in until they get back on tour.


disputing_stomach t1_ix842c6 wrote

I'm thankful my son is home from college for the week. It's great to have him here. He got his wisdom teeth out this morning, so he's a little goofy right now.

I'm not so thankful that my daughter has been feeling ill for a couple days and this morning woke up with a 103F fever. Negative for COVID, but off to the doc we go this afternoon.


jodyhighrola t1_ix84nxm wrote

I need to proactively track down some sleds. Can you find these easily here? No matter how old I get, I need to bomb hills after a snow.


wrenster00 t1_ix854p9 wrote

Husband sick last week w/ COVID. I'm still negative though. Thanksgiving with family cancelled for us. We're bummed, tired and lonely. 2022 has been a hell of a year for us between moves, new jobs,.and just general midlife adulting. Thank God for weed and streaming services


No-Step3370 t1_ix85mpc wrote

Thankful for a mini getaway with my partner this week! Looking forward to our thanksgiving gathering when we get home. We’ve lost 3 family members this year who will be sorely missed so extra thankful to spend time with the family ❤️


bacon0927 t1_ix85owt wrote

Husband and I had a really busy but productive weekend. We have a new mattress that will be delivered this week (yay!), I made red beans and rice that will be lunch leftovers for the couple work days, and I made a practice pie so I'll have dessert every night this week!


moonstonecrack t1_ix85yqk wrote

So jealous about billy strings and the goose tab shows! We had tix but ended up having to be in Florida for a week.

This week I’m happy it’s short and I’ll be doing a lot of writing from now until Wednesday evening.


ohsweetpeaches t1_ix86iq4 wrote

Finally got the adults we exchange gifts to agree to skipping it this year so that’s a big relief to us (and probably them as well) in this season of huge unexpected bills. I’m thankful to have a family friend to host us for Thanksgiving on Thursday but I still have to come up with an appetizer and a dessert to bring.


I_Got_A_Truck t1_ix86w18 wrote

Grateful that the mother in law is doing better than expected after an ER visit and week or so long stay in the hospital. Also grateful for the restraint my wife has shown with her frustration at mother in law's husband in regards to his arrogance and narcissistic tendencies.

One example: the hospital suggested that when she be released, she be released to hospice. She is to eat soft foods like applesauce and pudding, and her exercise is to walk up and down the hallway with assistance. What's he do? Feeds her a hot dog with bread, and puts her on the treadmill, just to show the doctors that she can do more than they think.

And then he accuses the wife of just being after her inheritance. If that were the case, why would she be upset with you for going 100% against the doctor's orders?


thephartmacist t1_ix88dor wrote

I'm thankful to have family and inlaws all in town and that travel isn't a factor in our Thanksgiving. They help with the young kids a LOT. Wife is off work all week while I work most of the week and the kids have childcare and school. She deserves the rest.


fluufhead t1_ix88mza wrote

Virginia's own Daniel Bachman has a new album out called Almanac Behind. He works out of the American primitive style of guitar but on this one his instrument is in conversation with weather radio, field recordings of thunderstorms and other "found sound" sources. It's very good!


redditpossible t1_ix891ev wrote

They have always sounded like the product of a Berkelee School of Music Jam Band Department to me.

They’ve got a lot of people excited about their music, though, so they are doing something right.


ripleyajm t1_ix89rrv wrote

Husband and I checked out the guitar exhibit at the vmfa this weekend and it was really cool. Perfect crossroads for us since he’s big into art and I love music.


Kelevracado4287 t1_ix8a090 wrote

Tbh not getting hammered is fucking awesome. I saw Senses Fail last week and Saturday I went to a hardcore show and chilled with some people.


GumbySr t1_ix8a8ds wrote

My parents are coming into town today to spend a few days in Richmond so I'm excited for that. Making a root vegetable au gratin bake!


Jacks_Cold_Sweat t1_ix8an2v wrote

Going through a break up, realizing how many people I know but how few friends I have. Thankful for the few, but damn it’s hard to move past the “stop and talk for a minute if we see each other” to actually hanging out kind of friendship.

Regardless, busting my ass trying to make myself more attractive in the future. It’s easy to be bitter and I’m trying really hard not to do that.


mademelaugh000 t1_ix8bc2w wrote

I’m thankful for finally buying a house and getting out of renting. It’s a long, arduous process but once you get to the other side, it’s all worth it. Lots of work to be done but I just have to remind myself that it doesn’t have to get finished RIGHT NOW. Anybody need a free bed and frame? Its a full and in great condition. You have to come and get it (west end) but it’s yours if you want it. Nothing wrong with it, just don’t need it. DM me if you want a pic!


ifweweresharks t1_ix8by5h wrote

We brought home a new kitten yesterday! Her older brothers are saying some pretty rude things to her, but she doesn’t give a shit. I think one of them will be over it by tonight, though. The other might need a few more days.


Moondinos t1_ix8cgnu wrote

I'll be out of quarantine by thanksgiving, but until then I guess it's just doing school work so I can catch up and playing video games


greenareme t1_ix8dqss wrote

saw billy wednesday and TABilly Goose thursday too. it was epic!!!


zombies8myhomework t1_ix8edgu wrote

Hey if you want someone to lay in bed with you and binge watch something while eating snacks, let me know. Pretty much what I did all weekend.

And this isn’t all life is. It only is for right now. Doesn’t have to be, though. It’s just hard to find the energy to make it different when you wash, rinse, repeat the same mundane schedule of the hamster wheel every week. You can always change it, however. Remember that.


RileyDL t1_ix8ku1j wrote

I had a terrible weekend and am having a terrible Monday, so I actually needed this thread today.

I'm thankful for my husband and kid, and the little family we've built together. I'm not fond of most of my blood relatives so when things get tough, it's nice to know I have my own family to hold close.


timballj t1_ix8m8p6 wrote

Thankful to be finally done prepping, starting my move to Richmond today


dudewhoisbrowsing t1_ix8mgbq wrote

Not really thankful for much honestly. My entire life has been one giant roller coaster into a downward spiral since Dec 2019, with the plunge into the abyss happening this time last year. It has just been a nosedive into depression, nihilism, and and loneliness since Nov 2021, despite the facade I put up.


underwaterpizza t1_ix8mrlg wrote

Rick sounds like a less talented singer from a boy band. Nothing about his voice is “great”.

No character, the melodic lines are predictable and boring, but I guess he hits all the notes?

If I’m gonna listen to a jam band sing, I need something more interesting than milquetoast generic bleh.

If I wanted to listen to a good singer, I would listen to folk or jazz adjacent groups.


ViralSpiralz t1_ix8p8rq wrote

I just made soup too! Mine was butternut squash that I found on the wegmans website. Good luck there. I went last week and it was very annoying. It wasn't that it was that busy, it was that EVERYBODY would just stop mid-aisle and back up carts constantly. Bring a whistle, lol.


bmrobin t1_ix8q4hu wrote

his name is Royal Masat - he’s fantastic. this was my first time seeing the band with the fiddle player, he adds a lot to the sound that was missing before (in my opinion)


bettygreatwhite t1_ix8s074 wrote

Ugh yeah I feel like holiday shopping brings out the worst in people. All of a sudden people act like it’s their first time in a grocery store. I made it out but definitely practiced a lot of deep breathing so I didn’t yell at anyone lol

How did your soup come out?


Bartok_and_croutons t1_ix93f1t wrote

For the "actually hanging out" kind of friendship, I just invite people to hang out with me while I bake something. Usually, I'll make them some tea or hot chocolate and I'll just listen to them, turns out a lot of people just really need to talk about something and feel listened to.


Phd_Perky t1_ix94rc3 wrote

I spent the past week in Nashville and just got back in last night. I was there to work for a few days but took some PTO and a friend flew out to meet me Thursday. Did the whole “Nash-Vegas” thing and some tourist attractions. Had an awesome time but glad to be back home in RVA!


stickynohte t1_ix9871o wrote

A bad job will throw everything else in your view off- I’ve been there. Happy to look over your resume and see if I have any connections that can help (I’m in HR!)


stickynohte t1_ix98mka wrote

Was MOH in a wedding this weekend - had a blast but my bank account does not agree (turns out a lot of money goes into wedding season!) Another wedding tomorrow, then one next Sunday and I’m packing up the dresses and heels indefinitely.

Really looking forward to doing NOTHING on Friday. I need a day to myself.


Laucchi t1_ix9dz3k wrote

I got my first tattoo and am super happy with it. I keep looking at it and smiling. No regrets here.


CrowMiller t1_ix9imsn wrote

Found out we are going back in office first of the year. :/


SebaGenesis t1_ix9pqxg wrote

Walked out the house to 20° weather. Not. Built. For this.


Jacks_Cold_Sweat t1_ixbd2jx wrote

I never thought about it until now, but I think I’m going to start asking friends to come over for coffee to my house in the morning. I love making good coffee, and it would give me a reason to not wait until the last minute to get up. Thanks!


coskiii t1_ixcge0p wrote

Can anyone recommend a free running group that meets in the morning?