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TheCheeseDevil t1_iyckfod wrote

Got up really early for a run and then looked out the window. c'est la vie.


Accomplished-Pen-394 t1_iycmdzu wrote

I’m going to work for the last time at my current contract today. Three months of quotas and stress, and now I’m finally free. I’m guessing I get to leave early too because of how little work is left. (I do temp work so I work contact jobs that I get sent to.) This job was supposed to end in December but they ran out of work, and I am 100% fine with it. I’ll be in Rhode Island this time next week


Stitchmond t1_iycmghb wrote

After a 3rd interview yesterday, I was not offered a job. With the departure of another staff member, the position was changing slightly and normally I don't think that'd be a huge problem for me, but it changed in a way that simply meant the job no longer appealed to me. So I found it necessary to make that clear. I was on board for the job they advertised, but not the one they now need to hire for. Their choice to pass me over was the right move for everyone.

Still sucks though. The longer I continue in my search, the more I want to return to an org I've worked for prior. I want the ease and trust of familiarity. When you leave a job for reasons of distrust, it's hard to put faith in new orgs that they'll do right by you.

Edit: whoopee, just got a no from another org, it's really putting me in a great mood today....


STORMPUNCH t1_iycmkkt wrote

I'm not. Started a new job that I'm taking the bus to, so had a 10 minute wait for the bus than a half mile walk. An umbrella helped, but my legs from the knees down are soaked, and I'm probably going to get trench foot from wet socks.


powhatanpaul t1_iycn3ga wrote

Rainy days = perfect days for a piping hot cup of joe. Check out rise and grind in Powhatan. Wonderful local coffee shop.


ViralSpiralz t1_iycn8sa wrote

I don't plan on staying dry, I plan on going for a walk in a few minutes in Byrd Park. I don't mind the rain because at least I can get out of the house for a bit!

My SO and I have a tradition of watching Rose Red while we work on dark stormy days like today, so I fully expect to see that on when I return home.


anony804 t1_iyco7sj wrote

made a post but i found this guy/girl under my house. my kid was in the bathroom and was like “uh mom there’s meowing under the bathroom” managed to lure it out with YouTube cat sounds and wet dog food (had no tuna or wet cat food and it was around midnight and everything i looked up said dog food was safe as long as it’s like a one time thing and not their diet). but i guess today’s adventures outside of the appointments i have is trying to discover if there are any more of them around the house or not.

i work nights and he or she has been fussing while hiding right under my bed. normally i would not be up at 7am but … at least little fluff isn’t going to be hit by a car or stuck out in the cold


bored0327 t1_iycomab wrote

Just got off work. Burning one and then to the wood lathe!


anony804 t1_iycqpfh wrote

it’s the right thing to do! i’d love to keep him/her because my favorite cat who I currently have, his origin story is very similar to this one and was also just found randomly meowing where i could hear from inside, but just can’t do another one unfortunately. plan to try to socialize them though once they get comfortable for a week or two and try to find a good home or a rescue after that.

if i was rich i would have sooo many cats!


Arcangelathanos t1_iycr5ad wrote

Hit up Tyson's Corner and IKEA yesterday and now I'm tired, which is a shame bc I have a lot to do today and tomorrow. Friday too, but I'm being realistic about what I can accomplish then. Tyson's was empty. We were able to get in and out in record time and make it down to IKEA before the traffic creeped from 95 to 495.


ike059 t1_iycrl2a wrote

As soon as the rain clears up around 1pm I’ll be heading down to browns island to fly my drone.


Quardener OP t1_iycskvj wrote

Bought a 50 dollar jacket from the company store last week and it’s already falling to pieces. Tried to get a refund and they said I can’t because the jackets discontinued.

Anyone know where I can get a zipper reattached?


fluufhead t1_iycu0aa wrote

With the rain and my spouse going to the office (who wfh most days) I will probably just work from here. She relocated the cat from the living room to the bed before leaving, who was sleeping nicely but is now staring at me bc she wants breakfast. I myself have a weird relationship with breakfast. I often wake up hungry but it totally subsides after a few sips of coffee so if it's not happening before coffee then I won't eat until 11 or so.

Wordle 529 4/6*






Stitchmond t1_iycu8ja wrote

I'd never read the book but the film is not all that graphic; akin to most recent historical war dramas. Band of Brothers, 1917, Saving Private Ryan, Braveheart, The Patriot. Perhaps less romantic than some.


cleverocks t1_iycuagt wrote

I woke up and read a few Mitch and Rodney jokes. Now I wait to get the grandkids on the bus and then off to work I go.


Cuda14 t1_iycupa7 wrote

Rose Red, now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. Watched it at a birthday party in 3rd grade - had me fucked up for weeks if not months and I didn’t even finish it.


McFlare92 t1_iycv5g7 wrote

Finally feeling well enough to go back to work, although I'm going to wear a mask for the rest of this week to be considerate of coworkers


Moondinos t1_iycv7fm wrote

Currently waiting for it to be time for my doctors appointment. I finished my final paper roughly two weeks early because it was stressing me out considering the amount of other school work I had and then my job. If I can get through the next 12 days I'll soon be drunk on a beach in Mexico for fest with friends. So close!

I'm probably not going to stay dry as I'm going to buy myself lunch as a treat and I do have to work later.


Swrdmn t1_iycvmaq wrote

Day 4 of being sick. I’m pretty over it at this point.


GrayRVA t1_iycvsps wrote

It’s not the gore, it’s the suffering of boys being sent to the trenches to die or if they didn’t die, emerge with PTSD (not that there was such a diagnosis). And for what? The amusement of powerful men.


anony804 t1_iycxdg6 wrote

may have to check it out for sure, he was meowing and crying all night 😭 I tried to turn on rain sounds to drown him out but didn’t work well. (Figured that would be gentle enough not to upset him more)

he’s actually quiet now and I went and looked under the house to see if there was another kitten or mom he was meowing to, but no sign of anybody else under or around the house


PhoenixAshies t1_iycxqfo wrote

Last day in-office for the week.

My parking deck is across from my building, and my shoes are soaked through. So I'll be working barefoot while hoping that the paper towels I stuffed in them dries them out before quitting time.


jeb_hoge t1_iycy39c wrote

Clear liquid diet day for me. It'll be interesting to see where I weigh in tonight.


The_UnknownTA t1_iycy72i wrote

My mom used her new umbrella that was imported from Spain. She was so excited!


sassypapaya t1_iycypnf wrote

I got out of bed at my usual time, saw it was raining and couldn’t run… so I napped on the couch with my kitty for another hour. Soooooo nice


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iyczcuu wrote

It's just been a very "meh" last week or two. The world cup has been nice, but everything else sucks.


shrewfriend t1_iyczr89 wrote

I just got splashed by two separate cars while waiting for a bus on broad :) gotta love Richmond drivers


thoselongsleeves t1_iyd085a wrote

I started a new job about a month ago and the parking deck is attached to the building. The only rain I hit was from my house to my car. Still wore a rain jacket, just in case.

195 traffic was uncool for the downtown exits and I took the L on both of them. Had to go out to 95 and duck back in for the Broad exit at MCV. It was a hassle.


Nothing2SeeHere4U t1_iyd0blv wrote

I bought myself a new heated blanket that was supposed to arrive yesterday. Was disappointed when it didn't show up, now I'm even more bummed. Would have been a perfect day to curl up under the heat and read


jgiacobbe t1_iyd0t61 wrote

We have 6 cats that don't all get along. We can tell when the feliway thing is empty because they all get a bit more grumpy and mean with each other. They do work.


stickynohte t1_iyd1eun wrote

Have a job interview today - I don’t get nervous for them but I’ve had some medication issues lately and my brain is foggy. Then back to the office where I will catch up on my freelance resume writing (including for someone in this sub)!


stickynohte t1_iyd1ki8 wrote

I’m the same way with breakfast- starving until I get to work and have downed half of my coffee. Then I completely forget until lunchtime. Also- forgot wordle was a thing!


ChuckBS t1_iyd1qi3 wrote

We’re getting our closets renovated and a wardrobe built today. Can’t wait for more storage!


CopOnTheRun t1_iyd24wf wrote

I saw a group of ~20 people running/jogging in Oregon Hill around midnight last night and was wondering if anyone knew what the deal was. Part of me wanted to catch up and ask them, but the other part of me just wanted to get home.


ViralSpiralz t1_iyd4epl wrote

You should watch it again as an adult. I've seen it lord knows how many times now, and I have to say Emory is my favorite. All the characters are such caricatures of themselves, but he at least had some common sense (even if he was an ass)!


jodyhighrola t1_iyd5lij wrote

Great weather for walking around Lowes identifying things for the house that I'll never actually buy.


Asterion7 t1_iyd9tfq wrote

It's hard to hold a candle.


Asterion7 t1_iydae3o wrote

Jesus traffic sucked today. Hull street was bad even for hull street.


RileyDL t1_iydcmof wrote

We ordered a new coffee table from Amazon and it was scheduled to come in tomorrow - so naturally it's going to come in today while it's raining and I'm working in the office instead of tomorrow when I'll be working from home and it'll be sunny.

A headhunter contacted me a few weeks ago about a job doing what I'm already doing but for 12% more money and I entertained their request for an interview because what does it hurt, right? Except they rescheduled the first one and the reschedule was supposed to be for yesterday but I never got a time or a meeting invite. I emailed the headhunter and he hasn't responded. I didn't want the job anyway but it's weirdly annoying.


Stitchmond t1_iyderu8 wrote

OK, I understand where you're coming from. There's certainly different types of "graphic" beyond gore. Having not experienced war and trench warfare specifically, I'm not sensitive to such depictions in film and lit. I can see how others, like those with PTSD as you mention, would have difficulty viewing or reading things that many just consider media to be consumed and analyzed.


Pentakles t1_iydil1l wrote

Rainy days are my favorite and I hate having to be an adult on these days! I just wanna make a blanket pallet and hang out with my cats by the big window.

Work has been weird and I kinda wish I didn't have to go in today. The GM pulled me aside yesterday and told me that he understood if I was looking for another job and I don't know how it made me feel. I know he didn't say it to convince me to leave, but like, have a little faith in everyone else?? I think he's scared of losing an experienced employee and is trying to save a bridge, but I wasn't thinking about moving. Restaurants always go through some shit. This is just another drama wave that will pass.

I'll probably listen to Matchbox 20 today. If you don't like Rob Thomas, fight me.


Outside-Southern t1_iydl30h wrote

Just getting back into the groove of working out, I decided to switch my exercise time frame to the a.m.

It's definitely an adjustment. The first week I just woke up at 5 and would make food and coffee. I think I ran maybe once.

However, once my body clock adjusted to the early wake up (I still struggle when that alarm goes off) and I was able to get out the door to run or hit the gym, I found that my energy was so much better during my workday. Plus you are actually tired at 9/9:30 and can get a great 8 hours sleep if your schedule allows.

Just saw your comment and wanted to offer encouragement and a similar story. The early grind is tough, but I have a much healthier routine now and am glad I suffered through adapting!


Unicorn_hi5s t1_iydm8gj wrote

My mom surprised me with a huge advent calendar yesterday so it inspired me to take the day off to decorate for Xmas and surpise the kiddo after school. Its a great day to be productive inside.


donteatmydog t1_iydms18 wrote

Going nowhere because of that work from home life. Enjoying the dreary drizzle out the window - it helps with the "ahh I want to go play outside" FOMO.


anony804 t1_iydnbkd wrote

I will send you a dm soon! I’m gonna save anyone who expresses interest especially if they have another cat that is obviously loved already. I know some people want a first cat but since I don’t have time to do as thorough of a background check as a rescue seeing a happy kitty already there will make me feel like it went to a safe place


buttonsnbones t1_iydu2e6 wrote

I’m “at work” at my new remote job and have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing lol. I think they all forgot that I’m here


fractalflatulence t1_iye0hft wrote

shoutout to shockoe valley bridge westbound

what a pleasure to drive recently... yesterday afternoon's All Star was the Gen X short haired karen in the left lane intentionally blocking half the right lane at the eastern end of the bridge to prevent people from zipper merging from the center lane. Lady almost caused like 3 accidents easy.

So excited to see whats in store today in the rain.


elgro t1_iyed7ey wrote

If you haven’t seen it take a look at They Shall Not Grow Old. Has a similar vibe as it’s WW1, but first hand accounts from a lot of soldiers.


thesj180herself t1_iyeei6j wrote

made an appt with journey's end at home for my doggo whose lymphoma has come back, with a vengeance. the appointment is friday morning. i've been a mess since we found out about it last friday, but having the appointment made and paid for now helps a little bit; at least there's a plan.

i'm gonna miss my friend. she has always comforted me in times of trouble, and i can tell she's trying to now, too, but she's so tired. my other dog is also depressed, he knows something's up. my preteen is understandably miserable, and my 5-year-old doesn't understand what's going on, but knowing that he will is heartbreaking.

this sucks so much.


CptJaxxParrow t1_iyfcsog wrote

I had to say goodbye to my dog today. As he fell asleep, the sun came out and the clouds cleared