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Outside-Southern t1_iydl30h wrote

Reply to comment by cutejnny in Rainy River City Daily by Quardener

Just getting back into the groove of working out, I decided to switch my exercise time frame to the a.m.

It's definitely an adjustment. The first week I just woke up at 5 and would make food and coffee. I think I ran maybe once.

However, once my body clock adjusted to the early wake up (I still struggle when that alarm goes off) and I was able to get out the door to run or hit the gym, I found that my energy was so much better during my workday. Plus you are actually tired at 9/9:30 and can get a great 8 hours sleep if your schedule allows.

Just saw your comment and wanted to offer encouragement and a similar story. The early grind is tough, but I have a much healthier routine now and am glad I suffered through adapting!


cutejnny t1_iydm87t wrote

I totally agree - plus it's so much more peaceful that early in the morning!