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beewee673 t1_ixcjr9l wrote

And PLEASE make sure your high beams are turned off!


_R_A_ t1_ixcny5q wrote

This needs to be broadcast more.

I have had migraines since I was a kid and even though the really bad obvious screaming pain headaches are rare for me, I still deal with problems caused by high light contrast. It's bad enough when someone oncoming has their high beams on, but there's no need to be lighting up the interior of my car from behind like I stayed at the bar past closing time.


S_I_1989 t1_ixd2ecr wrote

I commute to work via 360 East and there are semi-trucks and cars and trucks that have these ultra-bright headlights on them and I have to move my eyes to the right to avoid eye contact. Also the ones that speed up behind and then go around instead of getting into the left lane before passing by.


T-Rowe-Price OP t1_ixd25tc wrote

The SpongeBob meme where the one fish is blinded by light and he says “My eyes”


WontArnett t1_ixcv0dh wrote

I swear to god, I have no idea how people got their drivers license around here.

There is no “social norm” when driving. There are just laws and following the rules of driving, from the drivers manual.

Use headlights when it’s dark, or vision is impaired by weather.

Use blinker when changing lanes and turning.

Follow multiple car lengths behind others, for a safe stopping distance.

When others are trying to merge, yield to their request.

The left lane is for passing.


Ditovontease t1_ixczucf wrote

I got my license down here, it was hardly a test I just drove around the DMV a couple of blocks. Didn't ask me to go on the highway, didn't ask me to parallel park.

Northern VA dmv is way different and much more strict from what my friends have told me.


Lue33 t1_ixf3eqq wrote

This was me back in 2009. Hampton Roads..


AdventureGirlRosie t1_ixd7d74 wrote

Just because the motorcycle doesn't take up the whole lane, doesn't mean you can pass! I swear every day I ride, at least ONE person attempts to overtake me in my own lane.


WontArnett t1_ixdap21 wrote

I would be terrified to ride a motorcycle around here with these aggressive drivers.


AdventureGirlRosie t1_ixdb80f wrote

It can be scary. I usually am little generous with the throttle to stay as far away from others as I can be. When I can't be, I always make sure I have a way out. Part of riding a motorcycle is just assuming no one can see you and/or assuming other drivers are actively trying to kill you with their car.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_ixe0eby wrote

The only way I would own a motorcycle was if I got to shoot at motorists. People driving like morons.. Is there a stronger word than morons?


S_I_1989 t1_ixd3b3w wrote

The ones in the left lane on Hwy 360 West past Skinquarter are the ones who turn off onto 153 in Amelia, or further down the road at the Food Lion/Stop lights. They can't wait until they cross the Appomattox Bridge into Amelia, so they all block the left lane the whole way.


RefrigeratorRater t1_ixciyhg wrote

Thank you. I wasn’t sure what the norm was regarding headlights here and whether I should turn mine on.


g1eg t1_ixcpb6g wrote

Also daytime running lights are not a substitute. Your tail lights don’t come on. This is especially an issue when it’s rainy.


Whatsahalo t1_ixcdkkm wrote

Vehicle manufacturers need to just make headlights auto now.


TheLombardyKroger t1_ixcl6zc wrote


Drivers just need to be more engaged.


Whatsahalo t1_ixclvg5 wrote

I don't disagree with your point but I'd rather all new cars come with automatic headlights to take the human out of the equation.

It's already apparent that a lot of people can't be bothered to think about more than what's immediately in front of them when they're behind the wheel.


TheLombardyKroger t1_ixcmkih wrote

> It’s already apparent that a lot of people can’t be bothered to think about more than what’s immediately in front of them when they’re behind the wheel.

Exactly my point. Drivers need to me more engaged, aware of themselves and their surroundings, and less reliant on automacy.

If you want to take the human out the equation, that’s fine. Take the bus then.


jodyhighrola t1_ixcqa07 wrote

Agreed. It's like people forgot that driving is a responsibility, skill, and privilege. The only way bubble wrapping cars can work is if they're full autonomous. Otherwise this stuff just enables even worse driving habits.


jeb_hoge t1_ixcuqr9 wrote

That's part of the problem. We were conditioned by decades of "the dashboard lights up when the headlights are on" awareness, but now with dashboard screens and light shows, and DRLs that are probably just as strong as their last car's faded-over headlights, there are a lot of drivers who see enough in front of them to think that their car's lights are on.


Whatsahalo t1_ixcvagh wrote

I honestly think a lot of these people just see that they can see their lights are on in front of them and that's literally all they care about.

9 times out of 10 they're the same people sitting there aimlessly for 5 seconds after the light turns green because they have no awareness of the world around them.


S_I_1989 t1_ixd1t19 wrote

They're more engaged with their phones, than they are driving.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_ixe0zug wrote

Every Volvo I've owned has automatic headlights. When you start the engine, the headlights turn on. There's absolutely no need to turn off your headlights. At least I'll never forgot to turn on/off my headlights. Why do so few manufacturers set it up this way?!?


ninjetron t1_ixlymwq wrote

Only married and about to be married drivers got it.


Smiziley t1_ixctgip wrote

Surprised you're getting the hate. My 96 Toyota had an auto on/off feature. Figured it would be standard fare 26 years later.


KanyesMeat t1_ixcjeoo wrote

you realize older cars exist right ?


JamesBhand-007 t1_ixcjnt0 wrote

You realize that’s why he/she said vehicle manufacturers need to just make headlights auto now, right?


KanyesMeat t1_ixcjqu2 wrote

but not everyone is going to buy a new car …..


JamesBhand-007 t1_ixcjvq9 wrote

Ok and for those who are buying new cars, the manufacturer needs to make headlights auto now


ninjetron t1_ixlyrqa wrote

They're talking about future cars like how backup cameras are standard by law now.


Ditovontease t1_ixczkmq wrote

also when its raining

ITS THE LAW (lame) etc


RammmITTT t1_ixbtedu wrote

I'v been seeing this a lot recently, too.

Don't know it this is it or partially it, but having auto-on headlights messed with me for the first year. At times I wanted them off I'd turn them off and not realize I'd turned them off, or still in the habit to hitting that switch and not all together realizing I'd turned it off. I'd liken it to buying a new fridge with freezer on bottom. I was constantly reaching for the wrong door, it threw me for a loop for a couple years.


jacksonwarg t1_ixc09y7 wrote

When I ride my bicycle and see this, I generally try to tell the driver their lights are off, so they don't kill someone but ostensibly so they don't get pulled over. The last two times I did this, with the universal twisting-left-hand-lights motion, they just stared me down angrily. I don't know wtf anymore.


jamesyishere t1_ixcg6nk wrote

In my experience its actually a car experience issue in cities with streetlamps. Auto-lights will come on, but older cars wont have their lights on, even though with lamps it looks ok. those not used to a manual might have a tough time. Very Important PSA


bitchxbunnie t1_ixdhaxd wrote

and for the love of god if you have those led headlights don’t tail gate people you’re only making it worse just go around when it’s safe to pass


FattieBanton t1_ixedr7x wrote

I agree wholeheartedly, but I also want to ask what the deal is with rva streets not having streetlights. Is this normal in all American cities? I go up down broad street on the west end and it’s only retail shops’ lights that are there


virginiamasterrace t1_ixezv7i wrote

And turn your damn brights off when 1. A car approaches in the opposite lane 2. You’re behind another car at night. And 3. Don’t tailgate on two lane roads. What are you trying to accomplish? You’re obviously not really in a hurry if you won’t even pass when your opportunity comes. Go around or get off my ass.


1975hh3 t1_ixg008z wrote

I’ve said this a million times but I’ll say it again....ALL CAR’S HEADLIGHTS SHOULD AUTOMATICALLY COME ON WHEN THE IGNITION IS TURNED ON, DAY OR NIGHT. CAR ON, LIGHTS ON. CAR OFF, LIGHTS OFF. Stay visible all day and night and no dead batteries. Too simple I guess.


S_I_1989 t1_ixd1o43 wrote

Not just in RVA but out on Hwy 360 East and West. And Stop using those damn ultra bright headlights as well as High beams when meeting oncoming vehicles or being behind other vehicles.


icepick314 t1_ixde3q5 wrote

At least some are turning on dash lamp on and have that little yellow lights on the front.

Seriously I've seen so many drivers that are unaware that headlights are still turned off thinking their dash lights are on and so too headlights.

Turn the knob all the way!


archetype1 t1_ixe0lf4 wrote

I swear people get worse at driving every year. The number of people who go 50mph down Semmes and completely ignore the school zone 25mph lights is like 9/10 drivers. The speed limit on that road is 30. There are signs out, I even remember locals protesting on the street during peak commute hours, nothing changes.

If cops want to meet their unofficial quotas, they should seriously just post up at Semmes Ave.


Snoo-18951 t1_ixehf4h wrote

Yes, headlights. Not high beams. Please note. I can’t think of anywhere in the city where high beams would be a necessity.


rvamama804 t1_ixessii wrote

I've been guilty of this before because I hardly ever drive at night but I usually noticed it quickly when it happened.


DeannaZone t1_ixf75zr wrote

Especially in a storm ... on the 11th when we were on 64/95 I swear the only people who had lights on were the truck driver's.


diocboedskes t1_ixfvl7i wrote

And if you have auto headlights, just turn them on and leave them on. I see so many people with brand new cars and headlights off. I know your ass has an auto setting…use it. I guess nothing is idiot-proof.


ninjetron t1_ixlywn9 wrote

I just figure they're hammered or have a mechanical issue.