Submitted by EricLambert_RVAspark t3_yd46z5 in rva

Since last spring the Richmond Building and Construction Trades have worked together on a few conservation projects in the James River Parks System in the city. In the spring we worked to fix the lights that were not working of the Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge. This past weekend we had volunteers come out to Belle Isle to install new fencing around the historic civil war grave site. On Nov. 5th we will have volunteers come out and repair the lights under the train tracks on the Virginia Capital Trail near Dock Street. These are just some of the ways us union tradesman like to use our skills and knowledge to give back to the community that we all enjoy. If you would like more information on the RBCT check out the website or the FB page.

Members of United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 205, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 147, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 666

Members of United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 205, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 147, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 666





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tiglathpilesar t1_itpwell wrote

How, in all my years of living here, did I not know there was a gravesite on Belle? I mean, I should have assumed b/c god knows how many people have died there. OP, directionally, where on the island is it so I can find it the next time I go?


EricLambert_RVAspark OP t1_itq03od wrote

Also, we were told the bodies have been exhumed, but the history remains, and the site has been marked as a reminder.


Asterion7 t1_itq2bu0 wrote

Why would they seal it off if the bodies had been removed?


EricLambert_RVAspark OP t1_itq4h5m wrote

Its not sealed off, there are openings for those that want to walk in. Its just a reminder of what was there and the suffering they went through. I'm not a history expert, but I believe its said that prisoner island was one of the worst during the civil war.


tiglathpilesar t1_itr2zul wrote

I've read/heard that it was a really shitty place to be a POW. Lack of food, lack of blankets and lack of shelter. So this:
>worst during the civil war

Seems about right.


Chad_Big_C0ck t1_itupefl wrote

So it is POW graves? How are there only like 4 total? I'd assume it'd be dozens to hundreds (cold, disease, non-immediately lethal shot before being captured, etc)


J-Colio t1_itpzfto wrote

If you take the suspension bridge underneath the Lee bridge, then it's quickly upcoming on your right. If you're going from Manchester, then take the 22nd (ish) St to go down that spiral staircase right across from that big apartment building, go right to follow the train tracks to the truss bridge, follow the path to where you're parallel/almost underneath belvedere and keep going and it'll eventually be on your left. On the way to "first break rapids."


[deleted] t1_itq1ac2 wrote



J-Colio t1_itq1zvb wrote

Yes, there's some scaffolding on the Belle isle side, but it's not been closed for some months now. IDK what they're doing with that...


Chad_Big_C0ck t1_ituphyv wrote

I think it was so concrete chunks don't fall and kill people walking across it, the bridges bump into each other in some kind of design flaw.


Asterion7 t1_itq2929 wrote

You have probably walked over it many times.


EricLambert_RVAspark OP t1_itpyvti wrote

its on the Northern part of the path that loops around the old quarry pond. Kind of hard to miss it. especially now there is a fence around it.


dalbach77 t1_itpv57d wrote

Good work everybody.


bruxalle t1_itpxcju wrote

Thanks, great job.


TGIIR t1_itqmn4r wrote

Thank you all so much!


MuayThaiWoman68 t1_itqvzh2 wrote

This AFGE member thanks my union brothers and sister for this wonderful work! Thank you!


Koolest_Kat t1_itrqom8 wrote

We were just at Belle Island on a VaCa!!



ArmoredFan t1_itqkoi0 wrote

I see all the supervisors, where's the one guy who did all the work??