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CoffeexCup t1_isy1mzf wrote

Close the account that it drafts from and never look back.


carlyslayjedsen OP t1_isy1ril wrote

I believe they go so far as to send collections after you…


RVABMWguy t1_isyg1mi wrote

I went this route. They will try. I just ignored the collections calls and letters. It never showed up on my credit negatively. I know a number of other people who have done this exact same thing and none of those friends ever had it negatively affect them either.


jonomm t1_isymldo wrote

I tried going that route, they just send you a collections letter.


sizzlemeet t1_isytcpm wrote

this is what i ended up doing. said i wanted to cancel, and closed the bank account associated with it. they didn’t send collections after me. they did spend a few months emailing me in an attempt to get like $80, and i’d reply each time that i canceled.


molluskich t1_isywwxs wrote

I had to do this to cancel my gold's membership. They sent my account to collections for a few hundred dollars. I sent them a sternly worded letter asking for all the stuff they have to provide to verify the debt. I offered them a dollar lol. Never heard back after that, nothing on my credit report, and this was almost ten years ago.