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bettygreatwhite t1_iuhib6p wrote

Getting my Covid booster/flu shot combo this morning and then my neighborhood is doing a little pre-trick or treat block party before taking the kiddo out.


SSPeteCarroll t1_iuhvtg6 wrote

I got mine Thursday. Fair warning I felt like trash from the time I got up until about 8 PM on Friday. Tired, not really hungry, and I was super irritable for about 4 hours.


bettygreatwhite t1_iui1pwr wrote

Ugh, yeah I heard it was brutal this go round. Thanks for the heads up!


PercyDovetonsils t1_iuitu28 wrote

I didn’t notice any issues from my booster this time, but I’m usually three of the Seven Dwarves anyway: Sleepy, Dopey, and Grumpy.