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Chad_Big_C0ck t1_iud1p38 wrote

Absolutely nothing, it's just so white liberals can feel good, similar to terms like Latinx.

Taking money used for statue removal (at least $1.8 million plus attorney costs to fight in court over some of them) and using it for scholarships to send poor black graduates otherwise stuck in the poverty cycle to community college/4 year college. 1.8 million at $158/credit (current J Sarg cost), that would be 11k credit hours or 189 associates degrees (60 credit hours/degree), if we covered the whole tuition.


jodyhighrola t1_iud3w3v wrote

>just so white liberals can feel good

Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read this. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Chad_Big_C0ck t1_iud5xyi wrote

Right, because Richmond's white voter block has voted in so many great things for black people over the past decade. We've now got better schools, graduation rates, lower income gap disparity, people escaping poverty. Oh right, none of these things happened. But we have taken down totally defaced and ignored statues and stopped a casino.


jennbo t1_iudaydm wrote

So since you’re so concerned about education, I assume you’re in full support of student loan forgiveness and would advocate taxing the rich to be able to send historically underserved people to college? Btw, community college is already free in Virginia if you make under a certain amount. Unless Youngkin does away with the program.


invariantGloaming t1_iud2die wrote

Individually paying for <200 black kids to go to college doesn't solve systemic oppression or even make a dent in the black population's troubles in Richmond ALONE. At least removing the statues is a step toward delegitimizing the bullshit Lost Cause narrative of the Confederacy. Paying on the individual level doesn't do anything for the collective, nor the systemic issues at large.

Edit: to the surprise of all, this dude was suspended.


Chad_Big_C0ck t1_iud32zp wrote

Systematic oppression is not being able to afford higher education to get a better job because your parents also couldn't afford higher education to get a better job.

Say we pay half of their tuition. That's 400 kids. Now add in the lawyer/court costs of fighting over the statues for years now. Who knows what that costs, possibly millions more, but I'll say at least 500 kids.

That's 500 people who now get better jobs and can afford to send their children to higher education. This gradually breaks the cycle.

Say you grew up barely being able to afford food. What is going matter more in your life. A better 40 year career or taking down a statue that nobody paid any mind to in a city that has voted blue for decades.


jennbo t1_iudweqc wrote

Comrade, if you are worried about these issues and feel the neoliberals have failed to address them, I have an entirely new system of politics I'd like to introduce to you! A way we can ensure every American has access to food, healthcare, education, and shelter. Solidarity forever!


chillbro_baggins91 t1_iue0r92 wrote



jennbo t1_iued2t9 wrote

Oh, I see! You only value caring about marginalized people when it comes to “owning the libs” as an abstract concept to argue with people on Reddit, but don’t support any actual policies or beliefs that would legitimately help them in the ways OP and his huge cock have described here. A conservative having sincere concern for his fellow man? Lo, I have been so naive. What a shock!