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Drict t1_iuiuerr wrote

People speeding is just the way it is. Literally was taught to go 5 over the speed limit (and I was in a relatively less populated area; the greater Williamsburg VA area) and I almost always kept pace with everyone, until I am I-64, when most go 10mph+ or 80mph in the passing lane.

The 5 mph over applied pretty consistently throughout all of my driving everywhere when not on the interstate/highways. 10 actually is pretty applicable unless there is light traffic on almost all interstates/highways, and then it is 15 or a little higher (I was in bum fuck no where in GA and the slowest person was going 90 in a 70 and the fastest I estimated at 120; passed me like I was on a turn lane on a 35-40mph road waiting and they were driving)

That being said, NY varies greatly and areas around major cities you ALWAYS have a few people that drive like there is no speed limit that weaves through traffic. That is the person that I am not in the left lane for. I want them to go w/e they are going and not have to deal with many people changing lanes so the cops can snag them and they get their just desserts, plus they are less likely to slide when they lose control into some poor bastard that is minding their own business.