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fractalflatulence t1_iuia37r wrote

The rampant tailgating and speeding occurring concurrently with one another on the interstates is pretty rough right now. Toss distractions like cell phones in the mix and it's not hard to see how something like this happens.

Protect yourself, give yourself space and time to react.

It's math and it can save your life.

edit to add: and to the impatient speeders out there riding people's asses because you need to go that extra 8 mph in the left lane on your 10 mile drive to save 45 seconds on your total trip - get bent


thrrsd t1_iuin717 wrote

Say it with me: "The left lane on the highway is not a travel lane."

There's always some idiot willing to go ping all of the speed traps for you. Let them. You can get back over as soon as they've gone by to continue your cruising. Head on a swivel and check your mirrors frequently and it won't be an issue. Otherwise you're contributing to the problem.


8bitmullet t1_iujnxxs wrote

Every conversation on tailgating I’ve ever seen, someone pops up and says but what about the people going slow in the left lane. Honestly, it’s getting tiring and it seems like a tactic to try and deflect to a different issue altogether.

What about the vast majority of tailgaters who are just impatient selfish whiny crybaby assholes who can’t stand the fact that they don’t get to go 15-20 over the limit at all times and so they ride your ass because you’re not passing fast enough to satiate their compulsions and whims? Or when you’re in the middle lane minding your own business going the speed limit. Or all the other scenarios where tailgaters tailgate.

Tailgaters are the real problem and yet there is zero accountability so they keep doing it.


WubbaLubbaSquanch t1_iuk3rkj wrote

There are also many drivers that are now speeding up in the right lane just as someone goes to pass them. I have yet to make sense of this besides people driving staring at their phones but there’s also a good bit of people that seem to want to speed up to get in front of the other person and then slow down creating a tailgate situation.

To the people that do this - You are not helping to slow the roads down, you are creating multiple angry drivers that will only want to speed up faster once there’s an opportunity. You are creating road rage and a more dangerous environment for everyone when you could just live your life. I get that speeding kills, but again I am confident driving like this causes more speeding and likely more accidents. I don’t ever see this behavior mentioned on this sub and all I’m hoping is to open at least 1 persons eyes as to how stupid this type of thing is.


fractalflatulence t1_iuj0dox wrote


From my perspective in the middle lane and a strict left-lane passer only that "loafer" would be a relative term. Unfortunately traffic volume doesn't always facilitate a left-lane for passing only and you do get traffic traveling at high rates of speed... it's not uncommon for the left lane to be going 80 in high volume traffic and there still one person 4 ft off someones bumper trying to go 90 creating a dangerous situation for everyone in the immediate vicinity. And since everyone is tailgating everyone there's not always room for everyone to be constantly getting over to the right because D-bag wants to go 90 instead of 83 with the rest of traffic.

so yeah, while people should get over to the right so others can pass on the left... people traveling in the left lane need to recognize that just because someone isn't getting over it doesn't give them the right to drive aggressively.

My personal opinion is that if someone is so hung up on people hanging in the left lane that person is probably a speeder, tailgater, and roadrager.

Even the article admits the only point of the law is to prevent those types of people from road raging, not that the act of "loafing" (again, often times at speeds greater than the legal speed limit) itself is dangerous or causes traffic.

"Murphy said left lane loafers are a major cause of road rage, which leads to unsafe passing maneuvers in the right lanes or tailgating or vengeful braking, which leads to collisions, which leads to more traffic jams. The American Automobile Association says 56 percent of fatal crashes are caused by aggressive driving.
“People get so frustrated that they can’t get around the slower driver, so they end up honking their horn, flashing their lights or tailgating, and the person in front slams on their brakes,” he said. “Or the faster driver has to pass on the right, then cuts back in front and slams on his brakes.”


8bitmullet t1_iujoojt wrote

While I don’t loaf in the left lane myself, if someone gets so impatient behind a loafer that they road rage and get in an accident then that is 100% their fault.

No one held a gun to their head and made them tailgate, or change lanes, or do anything. No one else is responsible for your or my feelings or decisions. They could have just continued riding slowly behind the loafer all angry but they chose to act in a way that puts themselves and others at risk. There is no actual risk driving slow behind a loafer. Just negative feelings.

So now we have laws in place to enable and pander to road ragers instead of holding them accountable by policing their actually dangerous behavior.