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loptopandbingo t1_itscu6p wrote

If you have a cartel and price fixing by that cartel, it's no longer ChArGiNg WhAt tHe MaRkEt WiLL BeAr, it's market manipulation.


VAJazzCabbage t1_itsessf wrote

Any econ 101 student will let you know that cartels are inefficient and never work unless they keep the prices low enough to dissuade competition. Like oil. Opec isn't effective at keeping the oil sands out of business by jacking up the price... Infact it's about cheap oil that keeps them rich.


[deleted] t1_itsfk8o wrote



PancakesAndAss t1_itsgtci wrote

The issue is not one person doing this.

The issue is when people get together to fix prices like that.

Or should we assume that you a part of this?


chairmanbrando t1_itshjpt wrote

Their account had no activity until their first comment in this thread, and while I doubt they're a part of this cartel, they probably are a shitty landlord that jacks up rent just because everyone else is doing it.


StylishSuidae t1_itssl94 wrote

> If u don’t like it, go live somewhere cheaper.

You fundamentally do not understand what market manipulation (and therefore the subject of this entire thread) is.