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skeevy-stevie t1_isx48lj wrote

Gotta say, I didn’t expect orgys to be the answer.


ninjapro t1_isxa99m wrote

People don't want sex anymore because they are having way more sex. 🤔


ninjapro t1_isxm7h8 wrote

I'm aware of the statistics behind this. I'm saying that Clerk 14's reasoning on why this is is completely nonsensical.


[deleted] t1_isyallm wrote



ninjapro t1_isyc2vq wrote

Could be. I was thinking that it was a "women don't want to settle down with nice guys like me; they'd rather just sleep around", but that doesn't quite fit with his use of the phrase "Bitches dont want dick".

Then I thought that the "acceptance of homo intent" thing might mean he thinks that women are turning gay and don't "want dick" because of that.

That being said, I don't blame OP for not asking for more details on their thought process. Lol


CptJaxxParrow OP t1_isycr2r wrote

I got too many incoherent details as it is, and I didn't even want those.


TheDizDude t1_isxhgqr wrote

Orgy is always the answer, no matter the question.


CyranoDeBurlapSack t1_isy62z1 wrote

Why are there no hummingbirds feeding on the sweet nectar I’ve left out for them?


skeevy-stevie t1_isxi5mc wrote

Orgys, good wordle word.


MydogisaToelicker t1_isxjdsy wrote

Just tried - it didn't accept that word.

Clerk 14 may have more power than we think.


skeevy-stevie t1_isxk6tt wrote

I also tried right after this, no luck.


jennbo t1_isxl202 wrote

It’s spelled “orgies!”

Love, your local polyamorous writer/editor


judgementalb t1_isysru6 wrote

Well, how else are the women gonna see that sexing other women is possible? Surely, no one just sits around dwelling on the possibility of same-sex relationships and spouting off their opinion to every passerby.
