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dougc84 t1_je7aubc wrote

The majority of Richmond's housing (aside from city neighborhoods built around shopping districts and markets) is large suburban communities that contain no sidewalks. There are extra-wide roads so drivers go unnecessarily fast through residential areas, making people not want to walk. And, even if you were to walk, there's nothing nearby worth walking to anyway. And there's nothing to look at except boring greyge house after boring pale yellow house. "Oh, Cheryl planted a new azalea bush!" Great, exciting.

People that have always lived in the 'burbs come to the city on the weekend. They drive their massive SUVs down residential streets like they do on their street that could easily be a 4-lane road, and end up taking up two lanes down Cary St. because they don't know how to drive on a narrower street. Then they don't give consideration to bikers or pedestrians because that's not what they're used to. The amount of people are so willing to hop in a $65,000 giant pickup truck that they've never really used and they can't see over the hood, then drive down pedestrian-heavy areas like they own it and pedestrians and bikers don't matter, is appalling.