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fusion260 OP t1_jd34z3v wrote

>But there is also no reason to release it before the trial.

We hear certain politicians and lawmakers try this all the time: "We need to be patient! We need to let the slow wheels of justice turn slowly so we slowly get to our destination in a slow manner so when we slowly arrive, people will have forgotten how unnecessarily long the slow journey went slowly and have moved on to other things."

Defendants file appeal after appeal, push the trial out (potentially for years), in the hopes that the plaintiff or witnesses are no longer available or willing to testify or see a judgement in their favor, or that something else will happen that will cause the trial to be canceled, or that the statute of limitations will expire, or that some law would be written that might exonerate them or prevent them from being tried in court.

Look at how much time out of court a former president has gotten with all of the pending litigation against them, by filing counter lawsuits and appeals, and simultaneously getting an incredible amount of time to sow distrust in the very system they, themselves, are committed to abusing and disrupting.

You posted this from a throwaway account, so I get the feeling that you're not here for a good faith discussion. If you were, you would have used your main account.


grampscirclea t1_jd6t5cw wrote

I tangled with this Anon a fair bit during the summer of the Floyd protests. Believe me, your time is better spent on something less frustrating and useless.


fusion260 OP t1_jd7cd2q wrote

It was enough to get them to foolishly admit evading a prior ban (which Reddit likes less than we do) and now they’re gone! Until they’re dumb enough to create another anon/throwaway account, that is. 😏


aRVAthrowawayy t1_jd357ug wrote

My main is banned from here, won’t go into specifics. The trial is today isn’t it? The “slow” argument doesn’t hold up.


fusion260 OP t1_jd35ghu wrote

>My main is banned from here, won’t go into specifics.



aRVAthrowawayy t1_jd35vbw wrote

I’m a resident. I’m not going to NOT take part in my community because a mod didn’t like my opinion on something.


Strict_Wasabi8682 t1_jd77s39 wrote

Did you have the same argument for when the doj, I believe it was them, went to Trumps place to get the documents? Did you say, “wait a minute, let the doj do their job and then release it if they can”?