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fusion260 t1_jddx2f2 wrote

From this post a few days ago:

>The quickest way is to go to their office on 25th St, not city hall. 25th St has a parking lot and a very nice lady there that can help you. I asked her how many people come in there per day because I expected it to be a shit show, and she said they get maybe 15 people a day, because everyone assumes you have to go to city hall.

Oddly, that location says it's closed on Apple Maps, but u/I_Got_A_Truck said it was open as of a few days ago.

ETA: The address I found for that location is 701 N 25th St., Richmond, VA 23223


Brazenbillygoat OP t1_jddxfy5 wrote

Awesome! Thank you. I gave up after an hour. I’ll go in tomorrow. I didn’t realize they had parking!


fusion260 t1_jddy0nh wrote

NP! I edited my original comment to include the address since it's oddly difficult to find on the website