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shalomfromus t1_jdsl7fb wrote

Or, OR, just hear me out here: people could just follow the rules posted on the signs. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

Sure, it sucks. But thereā€™s no amount of time that is appropriate to park there if youā€™re not going in to 7/11. If you park there and donā€™t go into 7/11, why is that anybody elseā€™s fault?


lukebwalls t1_jdtrojw wrote

Honestly, and I swear Iā€™m not trying to be reductive, because the rules are bullshit. Thereā€™s no way ANYONE is legitimately inconvenienced by someone spending 15 extra minutes parked to grab a pickup order. No one is sitting here arguing you should be able to park your car there like itā€™s a private lot for as long as you please, but itā€™s just petty bullshit and money grabbing evil to tow someone for that short of a stop. Are you telling me you truly want everyone to pull out of 7-11, turn around, find parking again, to only be back out of the car for 10 minutes?

It may not seem a lot of money to you or some people, but being stranded without your car and having to scrape together 200 dollars to get it back is absolutely debilitating for some people, and to do it over something so absolutely trivial is nothing short of disgusting.


richmondtrash t1_jdtvn2s wrote

Try living behind a restaurant where people park in the fire lane, blocking the exit of your neighborhood, even though there are six open parking spaces in the back of the restaurant but they canā€™t be bothered to walk an extra 30 seconds for a ā€œ15 minute pick upā€. And then tell me thereā€™s no way this can be an inconvenience to people


lukebwalls t1_jdtw81n wrote

100% agree with you on that situation, but not comparable. Totally against people blocking transit ways, parking spot is not that.


I_Got_A_Truck t1_jdtuhpu wrote

Just because the rules are bullshit doesn't mean anyone has any justification in ignoring them. The rules and the consequences for breaking them are plainly stated.

The people parking there are knowingly gambling their transportation and money. These people trying to blame ANYONE else is what is disgusting.


lukebwalls t1_jdtupqc wrote

So Iā€™m assuming you never drive a single mph over the speed limit and always turn your signal on 400ft before you make your turn? Or can we agree that thereā€™s absolutely discretion on rules/laws this trivial?


I_Got_A_Truck t1_jdtuwih wrote

No, the difference is that I'm not gonna cry if I get caught.


lukebwalls t1_jdtv38n wrote

Iā€™m glad youā€™re in that comfortable of a position, same canā€™t be said for everyone.


winstunnah t1_jdwpan7 wrote

A person doing their job is not petty. Parking somewhere you know you aren't supposed to for your sole convenience and then getting upset when consequences happen is petty and also the highest tier of self-entitlement.