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gracetw22 t1_jdxsbzi wrote

Hit the email hole for work around 10 am and looked down and it was 4. One of those days.

Found out Friday my son needs 3x a week therapy vs his current weekly and might have something a little more going on than I thought, which caught me pretty off guard as someone who kind of mentally lives in the worst case scenario. Trying to sort through all the speech therapy/occupational therapy providers to find the right ones is not a task I am looking forward to.


geneb0322 t1_jdxz3ce wrote

Not sure why your son needs the therapies but I can tell you from experience with mine: the more speech/OT you get, the earliest you can get it, the better. It really helps. My son started speech therapy when he was around 2 and was still completely mute when he was 3. We did super intensive speech therapy for years (sometimes 5 times a week). He's 5 now and while he isn't conversational, he can speak enough to let his needs be known and even tell you about his day or answer questions you ask him. He's down to once a week at this point, but the years of intensive therapy really paid off.


gracetw22 t1_jdy27qd wrote

That’s great to hear. I don’t think the pros really know what is going on just yet, and anyone who knows me in real life will probably laugh that.. of course this is my child, but he’s basically got some kind of disconnect and speaks his own language and gets frustrated when people don’t understand him. Once he is over it, he’s just done and wanders off to do his own thing which I think makes it hard to keep him engaged. For people he likes he will change the topic but if you push he just won’t play ball at all.

For example tonight I was trying to practice one technique and he started singing his own version of wheels on the bus except when he gestured the doors going OPEN and SHUT he just put his hand over my mouth. Point taken, Sir. Toddlers are wild.