Submitted by RVAcenobites t3_11crhsw in rva

Going to fallout for the first time tonight to see the drag show and dance. I’ve heard it can be kinda elitist and not very welcoming, I just wondered what the word around town on it is.



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systematical t1_ja4radk wrote

Fallout elitist? I'm not a regular there, but I've been once or twice over the last year and that is not my experience. I definitely don't dress goth or alternative in anyway either and people were nice to me. Make sure you bring proof of vaccination, I think they will still be requiring that when the universe ends.


MorallyCorruptBae t1_ja4tmxq wrote

It’s very welcoming for drag nights. It is members only for most other nights, so I can’t speak to that crowd, but I have always felt welcomed.


Carfrito t1_ja5fcbs wrote

I haven’t been there for anything but their techno/dance music shows and it’s always been a ton of fun. Crowd is passionate and the music is bumping, can’t complain. There is one this Friday with a few very talented dj’s


WeetWoo97 t1_ja5h7mw wrote

Came here to say all of this. Everyone I met there was extremely welcoming and respectful. Sure, you’ll have bad apples who act poorly, but they’re probably not members/are probably too drunk. I recommend it there!


w3bcrawl3r t1_ja5jgah wrote

I went to an Emo Night there a while back and felt perfectly comfortable. I was a bit surprised, I wasn't sure what to expect


choicebutts t1_ja5l2jo wrote

It's not a bar, it's a private club for folks interested in BDSM, so they have their own entry rules. There are public nights, and private nights. You have to be sponsored to become a member.


BatmansNygma t1_ja5pvfz wrote

In my experience they've been cool and welcoming. It's equally/more a BDSM/kink bar than a goth bar though.


gm773884 t1_ja5zbhh wrote

The entry rules are extremely relaxed compared to when it first opened. I think overall you will find it to be a more welcoming place than a lot of other bars.


Mickey_Malory t1_ja61eg7 wrote

We went on a less public night, but open to non members. We had a different experience. At the least I would call it Cliquey.

Speaking of members. They say you need a sponsor to get one, but when no one but the bartender will hardly speak to you I'm not sure how that's supposed to work.


ChuckBS t1_ja66a87 wrote

Went for some metal bands, I thought it was perfectly fine. No problems getting drinks, no issues with the show. It was a good time


dg792 t1_ja6p282 wrote

I’ve often had a good time hanging out in goth bars back in Texas where I’m from and fully intended to become a member of this one but luckily I found out that it doubles as a sex club, which is an establishment I have exactly zero interest in ever spending any time in, before I went over.


AdventureGirlRosie t1_ja7lh7l wrote

Become a regular. Folks aren't going to sponsor someone we don't know well, and it can take time to built that level of trust. Be patent, and there are lots of free events. Horror Movies and Wings, Game Night, and Karaoke are in regular rotation during the week.


thefifthpostulate t1_jaaotw4 wrote

Fallout is one of my favorite bars. They have everything ranging from game nights, to drag shows (if you’re into Dragula, they regularly bring Dragula [and Ru Paul] contestants!), to more BDSM/kink-focused events (bondage, impact, voyeurism, leather, needle play, the list goes on…), to karaoke.

Most of their heavier BDSM/kink nights require membership BUT if you’re not a member and want to attend, you still can: just message them on Instagram or Fetlife ahead of time and request a one-night pass. Specify the event & date that you want to attend.

It’s definitely not elitist; but I do find it sorta hard to engage with a lot of the members there. That’s partially cause I’m very introverted. In general, everyone I’ve encountered there is very welcoming & kind.