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DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j9yto31 wrote

Reply to comment by xabrol in Free coworking space? by ploymahloy

I also work from home and own my own computer, but I expect my employer to buy my work equipment. I'm not installing their software on my machine. They pay my internet connection and phone too. (Edit: they pay for my work phone, specifically).

I don't expect them to pay for my workspace because they offer a workspace and I decline to use it. But if they didn't offer one at all I would expect more money.


xabrol t1_j9z040w wrote

I don't install any of their software on my pc. Zoom, slack, discord, vscode, visual studio. All stuff I had anyways. Also no vpn. All company stuff is online in the cloud. Office 365, SharePoint online, github, Azure, aws, etc. Shoot even some of our ide environmets are online now via browsers.

And all the dev environments are docker containers.

My salary is 50% higher than my previous salary so im quite happy.