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lovearound t1_ja9zg70 wrote

Please do not support this business. The owner is a terrible person. He fired someone for being non-binary because he felt weird using preferred pronouns. He hosted Coffee with a Cop in response to BLM movement. He bragged ln social media that he didn’t have to let “any employees go” during covid but he DID give three of us zero hours (yes I was one of them). He actively complains about customers and hate when you sit in the lobby (proof: super condescending wifi password with a time limit) and also he cannot take criticism and belittles those who offer it (proof: Google reviews). This dude sucks.


Turtlethymes t1_jaabnrc wrote

And he is anti-choice, so much in fact he was very vocal in his support of Ireland’s 8th Amendment years ago. What you’ve shared all checks out.


No-Neighborhood9052 t1_jaa7gr5 wrote

I came here to say this. I never had the displeasure working for him or with him, but I know plenty that have been on the receiving end of his disgusting practices.

I steer all of my out of town friends away from this place proudly. Thanks for your input!