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itsmeyourgrandfather t1_j9rajs8 wrote

Dude seriously what is up with this? It's literally still winter but trees and flowers are blooming and it was 82 degrees today. I mean I'm not complaining, but in my 20 years of living in this city I can't remember ever seeing something like this.


RubHerBabyBuggyBmper t1_j9rtj77 wrote

Back when Alley Katz was around, there was street parking under those trees. There used to be hundred, maybe thousands, of birds that would migrate there and poop all over your car.


PhilConein t1_j9sdvlt wrote

Hello, RVA... my name is Phil Conein. I don't hide behind a meme. I saved those trees from being chainsawed by the city. Yes, they are Barford Pears. Yes, years ago they hosted the largest rootings population of Purple Martins on the east coast. The flock was so large, it showed up on the radar. People would travel for miles around to witness this rare event of them flying all over the sky dashing in to find their place on a branch of their favorite Pear tree. Also, it is a true experience to have the pedals rain down on you like falling light pink snowflakes when the Pear Trees turn green.


turnipmeatloaf t1_j9ti982 wrote

They’re invasive and I agree…, but only if there are concrete plans to replace them with something native.

I do have to admit they’re gorgeous trees in bloom and I wouldn’t want to see that area treeless


connor8383 t1_j9tj067 wrote

No doubt we get at least one more hard freeze to really fuck up all the blooms and agriculture before spring actually starts


PhilConein t1_j9v101f wrote

It lasted about 4 years until they moved on down the River. In the end, people would experience the unusual witness to urban wildlife when three different species of wing raptors would show up. Red-tails, Falcons, and Cooper Hawks. They would perch and wait until the Purple Martins would roost and then strike, and capture one, fly off to feed their hungry chicks. Part of nature.