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RVAVandal t1_ja811va wrote

Yup, 3 companies control something like 80% of the beer market in the US. Of course that's the same for almost every product these days. The illusion of choice is keeping the country from realizing that almost everything we put into or onto our bodies is owned by a shockingly small group of companies and people.


whw53 t1_ja829bs wrote

80% of the product consumed maybe, not 80% of unique product choices.


PM-ME-YOUR-TOTS t1_ja84jpd wrote

Definitely depends. You can’t buy a car from someone on Etsy but if you need soap, there are about 5 million unique choices and 4.999 million of them are made by hippies at craft shows


Charlesinrichmond t1_ja8flsy wrote

oligopolic yes. But owned by a shockingly large amount of people, the stuff traded on the public markets. Most/many of the owners are retirement accounts