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lunar_unit t1_j8dyhde wrote

Sounds like you have no perc. Which means your yard is very clay-y and doesn't absorb easily. Grading (filling low spots and sloping the land to drain away) might help.

How close are the puddles to the house? Sometimes adding tubes to extend your downspouts away from the house can help get the water farther away, but then you have tubes on the surface. You can also add buried tubes, but that's a lot of digging, and they need to drain to daylight somewhere, and in a flat yard that can be hard to do.


[deleted] t1_j8ednou wrote

Taking this as an opportunity to tell everyone that YOU NEED TO PUSH WATER AWAY FROM THE HOUSE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!

All your gutters should, at a minimum, have these cheap gutter extensions at the base:


Just push water AWAY from house. You do not want thousands of gallons of water every year seeping into your foundation. It's a fun way to destroy your foundation, create horrible mold, or worse.

Your giant roof catches so much water and sends it down spouts... do you really want ALL that water going underneath your house / foundation?!

It's cheap. It's easy. I've seen so many houses not have even the cheapest one I linked above. They make nicer ones, they make better solutions, but at a minimum you gotta do something.

Water and houses should always be separated... preferably by a water proof pipe ha!


Fun note: Have a neighbor who has his downspout extension curving away from the house and he has it position directly into his neighbor's basement foundation crack. That's how I found out that neighbor hated the landlord neighbor next door lol



What about all the houses out here in Short Pump from the 80's with no gutters? How does that work?


Charlesinrichmond t1_j8gn9hf wrote

Depends on design. It can work very well or it can be horrible all depends if it was designed properly

In truth gutters are the solution to a problem but people slap them up whether or not the problem exists


WoodwickVonRazzle t1_j8et8jy wrote

Gotta love that Virginia soil, so damn hard you can bounce your shovel off it