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KiwiStack t1_j92647y wrote

We are going to seed clover and other pollinator friendly greens. Traditional lawns aren’t super great for the environment


dmwave45 t1_j92aqva wrote

Planning the same. I think it looks nice too.


firemummy t1_j92ekce wrote

Do you have any tips to get started on that? I have a very leaf-covered lawn (pine needles as well as oak leaves), and the soil is pretty dead. I was considering trying to till some compost or something into the soil and then doing some clover and other stuff for pollinators.

We were told that the previous owner tried to plant grass after putting some top soil down, but I guess the roots couldn't take hold below the topsoil (due to the compacted dead dirt below). Then they said it kinda just slid down the hill.


KiwiStack t1_j933ks5 wrote

Honestly leaving it up to the S/O to deal with. Think his plan is to wait for a rain and then till up the the yard. We have a lot of moss and shade and just plain dirt patches to deal with so who knows how it will go. I think he plans to seed in March.


thornykins t1_j93lwu2 wrote

Just as an FYI, you probably want to avoid tilling right after rain, if the soil is too damp it will end up more compacted than you want it to reseed with anything.


prairie_oyster_ t1_j96d1mj wrote

I’ve had my best success choosing a part of my yard and letting it grow wild. Then watch and see what pops up on its own. Pick your favorite volunteers and propagate those.


bontster2023 t1_j932wk5 wrote

What variety did you choose?


KiwiStack t1_j9339kf wrote

Ladino clover and creeping thyme


TheEverydayDad t1_j93616k wrote

Where are you purchasing it?

We are trying to reseed our yard with clover for pollinators. Suburbia is hell


KiwiStack t1_j9370vm wrote

I believe Amazon is where we got our trial batch. Probably only got like 1000 seeds or something to see if it will take in our crap dirt before investing for the whole yard


TheEverydayDad t1_j937dv3 wrote

Thanks. We got some small clover bags from amazon and tried to add some topsoil to a bad erosion location. The clover is coming in a tiny little baby clovers. Hopefully it'll be nice as it grows in over the spring and summer.