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The_Crowley89 t1_j6pc249 wrote

How can she not remember but remember that she has been raped. To add, why would she choose this guys home to stay over at night, someone she has been intimite a lot with in the past?

I have plenty more questions but at the end of the day, why does no one hold her accountable for her actions?

She might genuinly believe that she has been raped and i am not trying to inject malicious intend here but in all honesty, he asked if she wants to have sex, she gave as good as consent as he is used to from her and thats that.

Making terrible consequtive decisions is not = being raped.


ThrowRA_9734 OP t1_j6pixz1 wrote

She doesn't have any memory of what happened after they went to his house, but when she woke up she said she had pain and asked if they had sex. He said yes. She has no recollection of consenting.

According to her, it was someone she trusted and had a long time relationship with so she felt safe staying with him and she didn't want to go home that night because there was alot going on at her house (she lived with her parents at the time).

She told me she has PTSD from the event and has been going to therapy.


asylumloves t1_j6pd71z wrote

Not being able to give ACTUAL consent because you are so drugged IS RAPE


MrsJonesy2012 t1_j6pdi7b wrote

She wasn't drugged, she willingly consumed drugs. And so did OPs boyfriend.


The_Crowley89 t1_j6pehu6 wrote

I sometimes have sex with women without their verbal consent because they clearly initiate sex. From the guys point of view, she did exactly that.

I do not ask "Do you want to have sex?" when shes already licking my zipper.

EDIT: actually i did once and she kinda started laughing and asked me "what the fuck do you think smart boy" - so that was a fun night.


Mikos-NZ t1_j6pihll wrote

Imagine thinking the world is 100% black and white. If both people are equally drugged or drunk it is completely unreasonable to hold one to account and not the other.