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triaxisman t1_j2dpfx7 wrote

Tell your husband the ring was mailed back, but you don’t want to revisit the trauma of what happened. So you want to sell the ring at a pawn shop and donate the money to a domestic violence shelter. Hold firm that you do not want to revisit what happened, you do not want reminders of it like the ring, and you do not want to work to find the person who did it, you don’t want to waste anymore time of your life on what happened years ago. If he has trouble accepting this, schedule couples therapy asap. It’s your trauma, only you get to decide how best to process it and move forward. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


krametthesecond t1_j2dw831 wrote

I aint a cop, but if that ring was mailed wouldn’t that help to find your attacker? Sure it could have been mailed from a different location, i.e not the guys address, but Christ wouldn’t that help still?


ThrowRAstolenring t1_j2dwrn7 wrote

There was no return address, and I do think it might have helped. I at least know that’s what my husband would’ve thought. I was done. I wanted nothing more to do with these awful cops and their shitty investigation, I couldn’t. I ripped it up and trashed it because I wanted this to be done.

I know it may sound silly to some, but I couldn’t revisit this. I just couldn’t. This response is something I fear my husband will sympathize with, yet another reason why I haven’t told him.


GanderGarden t1_j2f15rm wrote

Dam you're hella toxic, why are you even with your husband