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AutoModerator t1_j2dyyrc wrote

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Moist_Veterinarian69 t1_j2dzdsq wrote

Just because he’s most attracted to a certain type doesn’t mean he doesn’t find other women attractive too.

I love myself a beautiful redhead but I won’t turn away a gorgeous brunette because of it lol. So basically we’re capable of liking multiple things he obviously is into you too if he’s with you


Futueteipsum7 t1_j2dzwj4 wrote

Used to be, in some sections of some societies, that saving sex for marriage was for both parties’ protection. If someone was going to eventually make that decision that “you’re not my type”, they didn’t get to test-drive you all the way to Prague and back: a man was expected to have enough self-knowledge to know (or at least make a reasonable guess) that it wasn’t going to work out before he polished his torpedo below your decks.

It was, at least officially, considered scoundrel’s behavior to have sex and then return someone to the shelf to go shopping again.

That was only ever officially true, rarely in practice; and it didn’t last for good reasons. But consider how things have changed.

Dating is at least as much about having sex as it is about finding a life-partner now. Women are now entitled to the same level of self-determination: they also are entitled to sex and to consider and reject a partner based on any criteria that seems good to them.

That’s arguably progress.

Is that “okay”?

You’re experiencing the down-side after having experienced the up-side. When people start selecting, they’re capable of rejecting.


Buford1991 t1_j2e0tre wrote

There’s no type. It’s either we like each other or not.


AutoModerator t1_j2e1nnu wrote

Hello /u/ThrowRA_candyapples, your request appears to ask for moral judgment or judgment on your actions. Per our moral judgment rule, any requests for moral judgment (generally any yes/no questions) will result in the removal of your post even if you ask for specific advice as well.

Please remove any questions that ask for judgment of a situation (again, yes/no questions) and instead request specific advice that could not possibly result in a yes/no answer.

(we may not include messages such as this on future moral judgment removals, for your awareness)


-Relationship Advice mod team

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