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SharralandaAndDennis t1_j2er6nr wrote

My husband is the same. He has always been a huge gamer. He is gaming as I type this. When we first started living together it was never an issue. A week before our daughter's first birthday he lost his job. It was devastating for him as he'd been there for 10 years. It was the height of covid and hard to find anything else. He completely retreated into gaming. He didn't even leave the house. If he wasn't caring for our daughter or helping with wedding planning he was gaming. I convinced him to start therapy but it continued until he found another job. He is back to his previous self and spends equal time gaming and quality family time.

I say this to say my husband was in a very dark place. Gaming was soothing and a good escape for him. This may not last but he'll probably need support through it. If you feel you aren't the person for that it's ok. It just sounds like there may be more going on that hasn't been communicated. He sounds like an absolutely wonderful person who you really care about but sometimes our patience just wears out.