Submitted by Disgrntldpelican t3_z97pnf in relationship_advice

Met a guy (25F) when I was 28, dated for 5 weeks, hangouts 3-4 times per week and hookups at most hangouts. On a thursday, we hooked up, on Friday we hung out, and on Sunday he asked me to be just his friend. I was bummed and confused but it wasn’t a super serious thing so I kinda shrugged it off. Well, he kinda pressed me to agree we could stay friends. I said that was fine as long as we weren’t alone together. But, he immediately guilted me into staying at his house alone and for the first time opened up about every area of his life, insecurities, past relationships, friendship trauma. I finally was able to leave (tried multiple times) and felt hurt and confused like why did he choose that moment to open up for the first time? He made it clear he loved when I listen and support him and told me things he claims he’s never been able to talk about. Also told me he’d be open to continuing our physical connection.

Well, long story short I found out shortly after that he was developing a relationship with a 22 year old single mother, and that he was spending time with her and me at the same time and broke up with me to go on a weekend long trip with her just days after our breakup (and on my birthday lol)

Well, I immediately texted him and said some choice words. Told him I felt used for sex and emotional support and that I never wanted to see or hear from him again. I actually said I was afraid to see him. I was so angry and felt like everything that happened in his home was completely inappropriate and emotional cheating. Based off timelines I cannot confirm physical cheating took place.

Now, I just feel guilty. I fear that my words may have been too strong and that he may be really sad. Which, like he is the asshole who cheated but still. I asked him to to block me as well as I was afraid I’d continue to let my anger get the best of me. How do I forgive myself? I also just can’t stop thinking about the situation and feeling anger. How can I move on?



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Francesca_N_Furter t1_iyfeo1y wrote

I'm are worried about his feelings? You think you hurt his feelings?

I wish you were my age. In twenty years, (if reddit is still around) you should read this post so you can laugh at how naive you were when you were younger.