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childish_badda_bingo t1_iydd27o wrote

I think in order for this to work there has to be a level of scrutiny most adults don’t want and don’t have the energy for.

She’d have to give complete access to her phone at all times and location at all times. And respond to text and phone calls immediately. And if she ever goes radio silent or disappears for “me time”, then the relationship is over.

It’s too much.

Then you get into the notion of balancing the scales. Every time there is a fight or resentment well she cheated. So she’s always wrong.


TheHunyBadjer t1_iyddvmf wrote

See I think you are projecting what YOU would do in this case. Because I know people personally who have stayed with a cheater and don't act that way, they don't ask for the password or expect immediate replies or are bothered by silence.


childish_badda_bingo t1_iydgfp4 wrote

Certainly. I think the relationships you’ve thrown out as anecdotes simply won’t work in the long run. And taking back a cheater is 99% of the time a mistake. Because cheaters don’t stop cheating.