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FatTony394 t1_iuk84ai wrote

What do you mean by using you?

To me, this concept only really applies to young vulnerable girls who are being groomed and manipulated by an older guy. These boys or men use the girl's naivete against her. These men pretend that they are in love and in a relationship with these young people but only want nudes and sex, etc.

When we are talking about fully grown adults in their 20s, no one is getting used. Adults decide to have sex in the moment. It isn't transactional. The woman isn't exchanging sex for a committed relationship. Sex doesn't mean either of them is owed a long-term relationship. There is no inherent value in our sexy times. People aren't somehow diminished when they decide to f@#k.

I've been both 25 and 38. That's an inappropriate age gap.