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Robojobo27 t1_iujwwro wrote

Why might she not reply?

Because you’re an ex, your relationship ended 2 years ago, stop trying to reach out she clearly wants nothing to do with you and to move on with her life, I’d suggest you start trying to do the same.


bippityboppitysch OP t1_iujxfkt wrote

I did, i've been with my current girlfriend since we broke up almost. I just don't understand why she would ignore like that, i was just trying to wish her well


Robojobo27 t1_iujxnt7 wrote

I don’t understand why you’d want to reach out to an ex at all unless there were children involved or legal issues to sort out. You’re her ex, just leave her alone.


bippityboppitysch OP t1_iujxso6 wrote

I guess i was hoping to catch up. I miss her sometimes, just wanted to know she is doing well.


Robojobo27 t1_iujy3wa wrote

I still don’t fully understand why you’d really care, especially if you’ve moved on, but maybe that’s just me.

Just take this as a hint that she doesn’t want anything more to do with you, get rid of her number and let her live her life.