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MorgainofAvalon t1_iuk7tru wrote

I think our first love will always hold a special place in our hearts, but it shouldn't stop us from looking for love from someone else.

You don't mention why you broke up, was it a mutual breakup, or was it one sided? Was the relationship good, or were there a lot of problems? The answers to these questions are very important to understanding your current relationship with him.

If the relationship was good, but you broke up because you wanted different things, staying friends with him is quite normal, and the transition from being in love, to platonic love will naturally happen.

If the relationship wasn't good, or abusive, staying friends with him isn't healthy, and the feeling of being in love is most likely based on what you wished the relationship was, and is unrealistic.

Whichever one it is, if remaining friends with him is getting in the way of you looking for someone new, you would be better off distancing yourself from him.

A new love will be different, and that is a good thing.