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WhyBroWhy1 t1_iujcdrh wrote

Never hold yourself responsible for how anyone chooses (and it is a choice) to react to anything you say or do that simply aligns with the way you live your life.

Your mom can hold her opinions til she's blue in the face for all that matters. If you're both in love and he makes you happy then all she can get is consecutive eyerolls.

I'm wondering if she's projecting something onto you btw. Was your dad a looker in his day? In the same vein your cousin's guy is? Did she settle? Does she want something for you that she didn't/couldn't get for herself? Some weird case of FOMO?


Lots of strings to pull from there but i'd say if you're both happy...fuck it. Do you.

P.S. your mom sounds shallow as fuck if she thinks a good looking face = a good person.