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space_crystals t1_iuicq29 wrote

Also wanted to add, you wouldn't be "throwing away" your relationship and your family. You didn't do anything. Alternative Gary filled with rage is the problem here. Regular Gary could have addressed it sooner, that's on him. The first time he found himself in the bathroom yelling at himself, he could have sought help immediately, instead he decided to keep Rage Gary a secret from his family.

Why is he taking on additional responsibility of grad school when he can't handle his current responsibilities? If he knew he had a festering anger problem, why add fuel to the fire? That's really selfish, your kids deserve a happy dad. I hope he gets help. Please be safe. I'm sorry you are going through this. You sound like a great mom. ♡


ThrowRA240922 OP t1_iujh6au wrote

Thank you so much for reading my post and taking the time to respond. One of your points that resonated with me the most is how regular Gary has just been fine with leaving rage Gary unchecked for so I think anyone would agree that if you're so full of rage that you feel the need to scream at yourself in the bathroom on a regular basis, that's probably something that needs to be addressed. Yet until this incident he's been fine with this being his how can he be okay with it?