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kimariesingsMD t1_iuim3dd wrote

Meaning that this does not sound like how 30 year old's should act. Her getting emotionally hysterical when you told her about your feelings regarding your immune issues, the childish making out in front of people, her not doing anything as far as making the hugging stop, etc.

She claims to have trust issues, while she literally can not be trusted to put your best interests first or stay true to her word.

You should have stood up for yourself when nothing was being done about the hugging and addressed it with your "friend" as it was happening. You needed to say "Hey, you promised me that you would make sure that is was not constantly happening to me, with his hugging. You told me that this trip was for us to spend time together, and instead I am feeling like a 3rd wheel. It seems as if you have absolutely no regard for my comfort level or care for my well being."


lonelyonaspecialday OP t1_iuimqyl wrote

You’re right. I should have spoken up. I have no reason to feel uncomfortable speaking my feelings to her, but in general I usually stop myself because… well I don’t really know why. I guess I just wanted to make sure that how I was feeling wasn’t out of line. I feel sometimes I get into my head too mjxhz