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Paranoia_Pizza t1_iuk2yta wrote

Yea same.

I'd be like, ok, bye then. But after a year I can understand why you wouldn't want to.


InspectionAntique764 OP t1_iuk37c5 wrote

That’s what I would have done 6 months ago but we have built up a lot and have been fine I don’t know if he’s just having a problem that he doesn’t know how to express


Paranoia_Pizza t1_iuk3fga wrote

Yea it's really bizarre.

Maybe you could try talking to him about it again from a "are you OK?" Approach.

It's not normal to not know what you're partners doing at weekends.. how can you plan things with them if you don't know.


InspectionAntique764 OP t1_iuk3n6b wrote

Exactly I have no problem if he’s going out with his friends or whatever. Just make time for me and let me know what’s going on and if plans need to be changed that’s okay


Paranoia_Pizza t1_iuk3qdy wrote

I really think you'll need to talk to him about it again tbh


InspectionAntique764 OP t1_iuk3unu wrote

I definitely need to. I’ll try again face to face and see what happens. Thank you


Cool_Story_Bro__ t1_iuk4azh wrote

Sunk cost fallacy.

6 months ago or today it doesn’t matter. Same abusive behavior.